Saturday, January 29, 2011
Uti And Brown Discharge
phone strap
Good Morning, Good Saturday to all!! Today I have some 'kind changed Phonestrap have dedicated myself to (but you write so what do you think ????) are not cute?? make more cheerful mobile phones that now no longer able to give up and also the first people lived without cell phones, but how?? if I leave home I feel lost .... bohhhhh !!!!!!! I remind you that the registrations are still open to my game just click ladybug here aspect hello there!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
How To Word A Money Tree Invitation
notice for participating in the lottery game ladybug
girls I sent you an email with the participation form those who have not received it tell me ... miriam, flory, and I do not lena potervela send your mail to let me your address so I can send it to you soon and good ladybugs everyone!!
if someone else wants to enroll there is still time enough to leave a comment here
girls I sent you an email with the participation form those who have not received it tell me ... miriam, flory, and I do not lena potervela send your mail to let me your address so I can send it to you soon and good ladybugs everyone!!
if someone else wants to enroll there is still time enough to leave a comment here
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Salary Of Periodontist In Canada

phase 1: send a ladybug (or something that relates to the ladybugs) any material created or purchased by you if you do not wish to create and receive in return just a creation of mine
phase 2 among all participants will draw a vicitore will win a pair of earrings made by me of course you can choose the color
3 phase put coccinele pictures received will go to vote on the blog and who gets the most votes will win a creation of your choice from my blog ....
what do you think you like the idea??
then we go on dates ... Registration before 10 February (leaving a comment below)
women members may begin to send their ladybugs immediately (so we carry on with the job and shipping) and vranno until 31 March (so the time is! !)
from April 1 to April 10 lsaranno open voting and April 11 will be proclaimed the winner ladybug ...
then shall we??
force there many aspects ....
Perrier Sparkling Water When Pregnant
For Liberareggio.org
The "hot" deeds of our President Council are, as you know, go back to the forefront of media pillory. Regularly used to put up with such talk and fighting political, ideological and erotic, now can not do even that much to be indignant. But the topic I wanted to focus on this intervention does not affect the most sordid details of how and how often B. has used with the various Ruby "heartthrob." What I wish to analyze is the unbearable hypocrisy and bigotry of those many moralizing that if only they had a quarter of money, power and privileges enjoyed by B. who knows what to combine.
be clear: I do not mean in any way justify the actions of a seventy-five (for the position from which he covered is unjustifiable, to say the least), most likely, if done with the minors, but rather would be useful to begin to scratch the unbearable guillotine hanging over sexuality confenzionataci from that mix of bigotry, priestcraft, and pretended respectability that much damage continues to bring to our civilization (and the recent sentencing of sex education from the Pope, completely blind to a very serious problem called AIDS, says a lot about it).
But what is really for us this blessed (or cursed) sexuality? What are the historical roots that have brought us the current state of affairs, that of repression, which inevitably carry with them transgressions, excesses, neuroses and diseases? Why can not we finally break free from the clutches of clerical condemnation of responsible sexuality, in my opinion, just the same problems that would solve rejecting them, cutting away as if nothing had happened? Groped for responding to such questions will suggest some excerpts of an essay entitled "The rejection of pleasure," one of the greatest historians of the Middle Ages, Jacques Le Goff.
To review the common late antiquity marks a fundamental shift in the conception and practice of sexuality in the West. While in ancient greek-latin sexuality and carnal pleasure were considered positive values \u200b\u200band everywhere reigned great sexual freedom, we then take over a general condemnation of sexuality and regulation of the manner of its exercise. Leading factor in this reversal is Christianity.
[...] With the advent of Christianity, one of the first new feature is the link between the flesh and sin. Not that the term "carnal sin" is frequently in the Middle Ages, but it is already visible during the process that will lead the entire Middle Ages, by a shift in meaning, to use the supreme authority of the Bible, to justify the repression of the majority part of sexual practices. The biblical heritage had left the Christian doctrine a heavy baggage of sexual repression. The Old Testament, often lenient in this regard had focused the repression of sexuality in the ritual prohibitions listed in Leviticus (15:18). In the New Testament, the Gospels are very discreet about sexuality. They praised the marriage, provided that it is monogamous and indissoluble. The meat is not treated as sinful sexual activity: it basically means only, as the Gospel of John, the human nature. For Paul, the call to virginity and continence is based on respect for the human body. In the Middle Ages, however, the demonization of the flesh and body, similar to places of depravity, the center of the production of sin, will remove all dignity to the body.
[...] Between the time of the Gospels and the triumph of Christianity (fourth century), two series of events to ensure the success of the new sexual ethics: on the theoretical level, the dissemination of new concepts of flesh, fornication, lust, and the sexualization of original sin on a practical level, the appearance of a virginal status among Christians and the realization of the ideal of chastity in monasticism. Regarding the concept of meat is the main opposition nell'inasprimento of flesh / spirit, which leads to the concept of the flesh is weak, corruptible, and significance of flesh to that of sex.
But more important is the long evolution will lead to better assimilate the original sin in carnal sin. In Genesis, the original sin is a sin of the spirit, which is to conceive the desire of knowledge and disobey God Clement of Alexandria is the first to approach the original sin in the sexual act, but it was Augustine to definitively tie sin original sexuality, through lust. From the sons of Adam and Eve, original sin is transmitted to humans through sexual intercourse. This concept will become a general during the twelfth century: the vulgarization made by the majority of the preachers, confessors and moral treatises of the authors, this shift will be up to the assimilation of sin originale al peccato carnale. L'umanità è stata generata nella colpa, insita in ogni accoppiamento a causa della concupiscenza che inevitabilmente vi si manifesta.
[…] La nuova etica sessuale è, in definitiva, solo la forma più diffusa e spettacolare di un tema storico che il cristianesimo ha ripreso per farlo pesare sull’Occidente: il rifiuto del piacere. […] Il Medioevo (dobbiamo forse vedervi un segno di ‘imbarbarimento’?) ha sempre più nella mira i peccati della carne, li stringe in una rete sempre più fitta di definizioni, divieti e sanzioni. Per correggerli, alcuni esponenti della Chiesa redigono i penitenziali, elenchi di peccati e penitenze in cui aleggia lo spirito barbarian codes. The sins of the flesh will take the place of much larger, reflecting the ideals of the militants and the ghosts of the monastery. Contempt of the world, humiliation of the flesh: the monastic model has weighed very strongly on the customs and mentality of the West.
[...] Even in the realm of sexuality is an obvious manifestation - at least in the eyes of the Church - a social and cultural separation between clergy and laity (including nobility) on one hand, and between the two orders of clerics and knights and that of workers - especially farmers - on the other. The contempt for the peasants [who the legitimate domain "cloaked" by the promise of spiritual salvation] is therefore also food in sex. There are two beliefs that will spread throughout the Middle Ages. First, the illness and obsessive guilt, sickness and worry (as it will plague the mid-fourteenth century), leprosy, has its origin in the sexual offender. And then there's this fixation of excessive sexual shamelessness in the world of illitterati, the poor, the peasants. It is no coincidence that the servitude expresses the consequences of original sin in medieval Christian society. More than any other meat slaves, servants also deserve to be slaves of the lords. What better barrier could be established between clergy and laity of that of sexuality? To the lay marriage and lust, the clergy, virginity, celibacy and continence. A wall separates the purity from impurity. In a similar strain, the party dominated society is presented as part of the weak, apathetic, without reason, but also without a will. In that world of warriors, peasants are almost animals, toys at the mercy of evil desires.
Haunted Places On Eastern Shore
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Vegetable Noodles Stir Fry Calories
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Trailer Of Witch Of Blackbird Pond Movie
coral earrings still

Good evening to all ...... I just baked them this .... complete twin set with coral chain necklace and gold rings and irecchini combined .... Eastern touch and also the perfect chic for bellydance! of course they are reproducible in different stones and colors and can be purchased separately for info contact me orichieste sorayaprincess@hotmail.it
Monday, January 17, 2011
Make Blueprints For Skatepark
Friday, January 14, 2011
Can You Freeze Carrots
Who knows what we
With this new section, Aphorisms and Poems, will try to get where we are not allowed to reach with our 'mini-essays'. Always accompanied by the hope to enrich this little blog for you.
- Who knows what we will be - Maybe
What if we
torches or debris on this great altar of life
Who knows what we
against everything I saw wrong with flaming
on the skin and eyes of the child already was old man
nell'affondo dagger
inflicted the pain of the sacrifice of living in bad
we call human progress
Maybe your eyes will be your smile
the only value the grace to live
illuminating the good that is painted on your face Maybe
I'll take this as a gift
my inevitable journey through the stars But now
breath tears
grow old as I write
How many times dovrò morire
per sentirmi ancora vivo
(Lorenzo Giulianini)
With this new section, Aphorisms and Poems, will try to get where we are not allowed to reach with our 'mini-essays'. Always accompanied by the hope to enrich this little blog for you.
- Who knows what we will be - Maybe
What if we
torches or debris on this great altar of life
Who knows what we
against everything I saw wrong with flaming
on the skin and eyes of the child already was old man
nell'affondo dagger
inflicted the pain of the sacrifice of living in bad
we call human progress
Maybe your eyes will be your smile
the only value the grace to live
illuminating the good that is painted on your face Maybe
I'll take this as a gift
my inevitable journey through the stars But now
breath tears
grow old as I write
How many times dovrò morire
per sentirmi ancora vivo
(Lorenzo Giulianini)
Dark Green Prom Dresses

Good morning to all !!!!!! you like?? simple simple .... I gave them two little girls who have really appreciated ... course are available in many colors are in offertissima ... I do not put the price here for legal matters but I assure you that stracciatissimo for information or request will only see them or made (without commitment or obligation to purchase) in your favorite color contact sorayaprincess@hotmail.it
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Crow's Nest Boat Diagram
pearl earrings necklaces agate necklace

Hello to all, finally found the time (and a connection) to update my blog as you go on vacation?? I hope well and I take this opportunity to make you my best wishes, even if late ... How about these series? I find them very simple and easy then agate at this time greatly inspired me and I'm experimenting in all its forms, colors and shades!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Purple High Lights On Brown Hair
Dear friends, listen and listen, a new year has started and it is time to take stock: the Cadeo begin this new adventure looking back a little, a few months ago, when the prestigious American blog Digitalis FOXY were enthusiastically reviewed ( http: / / www.foxydigitalis.com/foxyd/?p=3880 ). It 'a wish for another year together in the name of kindness and sympathy, especially with a wish you guys the new millennium to find under the Christmas tree be sure of excellent programs that make you feel fulfilled. You can 'do, we know how to do it, we'll do it soon. Meanwhile, the following pictures speak for themselves: the falls at Feast of Cinema-November 4, 2010. A small stone thrown into the lake of the future. Best wishes to you all and see you again on these screens
Dear friends, listen and listen, a new year has started and it is time to take stock: the Cadeo begin this new adventure looking back a little, a few months ago, when the prestigious American blog Digitalis FOXY were enthusiastically reviewed ( http: / / www.foxydigitalis.com/foxyd/?p=3880 ). It 'a wish for another year together in the name of kindness and sympathy, especially with a wish you guys the new millennium to find under the Christmas tree be sure of excellent programs that make you feel fulfilled. You can 'do, we know how to do it, we'll do it soon. Meanwhile, the following pictures speak for themselves: the falls at Feast of Cinema-November 4, 2010. A small stone thrown into the lake of the future. Best wishes to you all and see you again on these screens
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Granny Flat Floorplans
Un piccolo omaggio a quel "vecchio sporcaccione" di Charles Bukowski, pur consapevole della difficoltà di apprezzarlo appieno in tale sede, ovvero non con la classica lettura instancabile, lunga e appassionante, qual'è quella richiesta dai suoi "raccontacci" e dalle sue poesie (fortunatamente recitate da lui stesso).
[...] Andò a versarsi uno scotch con acqua, lo portò in camera da letto, si tolse la camicia, i calzoni, le scarpe e le calze. Rimase in mutande e andò a letto con il drink. Era mezzogiorno meno un quarto. Niente ambizione, niente talento, niente opportunità. Only luck prevented him from ending up in the street, but luck did not last forever. He emptied his glass and stretched. The man in revolt taken of Camus and read a few pages. Camus spoke of anxiety, terror and unhappiness of the human condition, but he spoke so peaceful and flowery ... his language was such that it gives the impression that nothing would ever be able to scratch him or his style . In other words, it was the same as if everything had gone in the best way. His way of writing was that of a man who had just finished eating a big steak, with salad and fries, accompanied with a bottle of French wine. Perhaps the suffering humanity, but he was not sure. Very wise on his part, but Henry preferred someone who scream when the world was on fire. (From cries when you're burning in organ music hot )
[...] "What's wrong with love, Tony?"
"Love is a form of prejudice. He loves what he needs, what makes us feel good, what makes us comfortable. How do you say that you love someone, when the world there are thousands of people who you love more, if only I meet? The fact is that you meet. "
"All right, however they tend to better."
"Granted. But we must realize that love does not is the result of a chance encounter. People give him too much. For this reason a good fuck is far from despising. "
" But that is the result of a chance encounter. "
" Here you're right. Drink, ordered another. "(From the misfires , in op.cit.)
[...] I continued to walk, turn right, then left, then forward again. Not I knew where I was going. I passed a room and there was a doorway that says:
"Hey, you want a job?"
peeked in and saw several rows of men standing in front of wooden benches, with a hammer in hand, Davan hammered the robe, as shells or mussels, and cracked the shell and pulled out the good, and I do not know that we did, it was dark in there. It was as if the men hitting yourself with a hammer and throw away what was advancing them. I said to the man
"No, I do not need a job." I spent over
. I had the sun in his face.
was 74 cents. The sun
So went well. (From a lovely love story in Tales of Ordinary Madness )
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