Well yes: it is usually the artist to be interviewed and fondled! here instead CADEO displace all again and interview their kind fans!
A moment of open debate, for advice and get a real interaction, to know oneself and to know better who argues with his money and his passion for our beloved team.
So away with the questions of Cezare CADEO sent us your e-mail this morning from the withdrawal of Courmayeur (where CADEO are finalizing the mix of new, great songs).
useless when trying to know more details on future plans of the falls: the mouths are sewn. But the rumors that run for weeks talking about a new disc, limited edition release of the DVD, the visual presentation of the show at prestigious kermesse europee, di un FILM (dal provvisorio titolo di "CADEO: IL FILM"), e addirittura di un gioco da tavola (nella migliore tradizione del "premio di consolazione" dei telequiz)
Che dire... attendiamo con pazienza le novità: e nel frattempo godiamoci questo ennesimo, avanguardistico, prodottino.
Grazie per la simpatia
La Redazione
un'immagine tratta dal recente live dei CADEO a Roma
Quali pensa siano i traguardi che i Cadeo debbano affrontare nel prossimo futuro?
Quale è la cosa che piu' la aggrada del progetto Cadeo?
Chi ama di piu', Fanny o Cezare?
What do you think are the stylistic swerves that the two of you should take to be more 'acceptable?
prefers the Fairlight or MC4? Would you like Cadeo
that is expressed by other media (comics, movies, gadgets, etc.) How long on average
listen to the music of the fall?
has a television?
Love the serene evenings in the family? What support
favorite music of the fall?
Thanks for your kind attention
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