Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cameltoe Japanese Spandex

the winner is ..........

girls ladybugs today then I did the draw here are the pictures: the cards with your names all beautiful folded and extract the name is ....

MIRIAM!! compliments send me your address and soon you will have the prize of the candidate (earrings, and other surprises ...)

for all the others that I have already sent the coccinellina soon you will receive in exchange for the creation ...

soon friends ladybugs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Train To Be A College Basketball Coach

Marco Aurelio

Esco di casa alle nove e un quarto. Dovrei essere all'università alle nove e mezza. "Pazienza - dico tra me e me - farò dieci minuti di ritardo". Salgo sull'autobus. Dopo qualche minuto si capisce che qualcosa non va: una coda disumana si snoda su tutto il Ponte della Libertà. Si sparge la notizia sull'autobus: "C'è un corteo di operai che hanno bloccato il traffico per difendere il loro posto di lavoro" (di questi tempi, niente di nuovo sotto il sole). Preoccupazione, sdegno, insofferenza si impadroniscono delle persone a bordo del mezzo pubblico: chi si lamenta, chi telefona al capo, chi ne approfitta per recuperare un pò di sonno, chi impreca senza troppi complimenti. E anch'io inizio a pensare al mio ritardo che è aumentato almeno di un'ora. Allora, per distrarmi un pò e per ammazzare il tempo inizio a leggere i Pensieri di Marco Aurelio.

Il tempo della vita umana è un punto, la sua sostanza flusso, la sensazione è oscura, l'intero composto fisico facile a corrompersi, l'anima erramento, la sorte realtà indecifrabile, la fama incerta; per dire in breve, tutto quanto attiene al corpo è fiume, quanto riguarda l'anima è sogno e vanagloria, e la vita guerra e viaggio di uno straniero, oblio la fama presso i posteri. Che cosa, dunque, può accompagnarci nel vivere? Una sola ed unica realtà: la filosofia. E questa consiste nel conservare il dèmone interiore [felicità in greco = eudaimonia, 'spirito buono'] al riparo da violenza e danno, più forte di piaceri e dolori, tale da non fare alcunchè in modo capriccioso o seguendo menzogna e ipocrisia o non faccia qualcosa; e, ancora, capace di accogliere quel che avviene and is assigned as originating from the same place from which he is also and above all able to come wait for death with a cheerful thought. Because it is second nature and nothing that happens by nature is evil. (II, 17)

not act against his will, or against the public good, or no weight nor so hesitant, and even adorns the intellect with refined elegance, not to be wordy or too busy. Serena brightness inside and no need of outside aid and peace of mind that others may give. Rights must be, not kept upright. (III, 5)

seek retreats for themselves in the countryside, the seashore, the mountains, you are also usually desiderare fortemente siffatti luoghi. Ma tutto è quanto mai stupido, perchè ti è lecito, in qualunque momento lo desideri, ritirarti in te stesso. E in nessun luogo un uomo si può ritirare più tranquillamente e con meno problemi che nella sua anima, soprattutto chi ha dentro di sè tali valori che, piegatosi a contemplarli, subito si trova pienamente a suo agio; e parlando di agio nient'altro voglio significare se non uno stadio di ordine e decoro. [...] Infine, ricordati di ritirarti in questo campicello che ti appartiene e, prima di ogni cosa, non tormentarti, non crearti tensioni, sii libero e guarda alle cose come un vivente mortale.(IV, 3)

Fà poche cose se hai l'intenzione di ottenere la tranquillità. It is best to do the things necessary and how many calls the reason for living? This not only produces peace of mind that comes from doing nobly, but also that which comes from doing few things. Indeed, if we get rid of most of the things we say and do, which are not necessary, there would be more comfortable and less time consuming and would be disrupted. And one must not only get rid of the unnecessary actions, but also performances; so why even unnecessary actions ensue. (IV, 24)

A stream of events and a rushing stream is time: each thing, as soon as is seen, is already carried away, and another that is transported, in turn, is likely to be taken away. (IV, 43)

Be like a headland, against which the waves continually break. What is built around it and the waves s'assopiscono hot. "How unfortunate, because this happened to me." No, quite the contrary: "How happy I am, because, capitatomi this, I still do not feel sorrow, nor broken by this, nor terrified by the future." Remember, in every circumstance that makes you feel anxiety, to take advantage of this principle, so this is not a misfortune, but on the contrary, it is good fortune to know how to handle the situation with nobility. (IV, 49)

things by themselves will not touch anything nor have access to the soul nor the soul can move it or shake it, it only moves and shakes and shapes the external events in relation to itself in accordance with the value judgments that are deemed worthy to deliver on them. (V, 19)

of a sudden, the doors open. We have arrived: the everyday life we \u200b\u200bclaim. Too bad, I would have liked that race never end.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kate Nash Foundations Free Sheet Music

hearts still

good evening!! Here are some more hearts for Valentine's this parure is a ceramic that I made some time ago to the Sabine maxsabi bloggers and then just this one piece is no longer available, however, is available upon request in the red or lilac green white Earrings are already posted in all colors so you can get an idea just click here for them or have the information just contact . Remember that are unique!!
other ideas for Valentine's Day (you can tell?) Click here and choose what you like!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fotos De Russian

gifts for SanValentino!!

I picked up a bit 'of work that could be the perfect gifts for SanValentino this sweet festival that every year sclera slices of lovebirds who are looking for the right gift! and then here is a roundup of links to find the right gift!! I have chosen two themes from the roses and hearts here it is:

bag scented with rose for many uses

this bracelet is important for a gift but do not have the roses look great!

for those who love the lilac is foliage of roses

another bracelet no roses or hearts, but certainly very nice to enjoy!

orecchini con cuori di vetro di murano molto particolari

e guardate quanto sono delicati questi cuori su toni del celeste

una collanina semplice semplice con una bella rosa

e per le più spiritose questi cuori coloratissimi in ceramica

se invece la vostra ragazza ama viaggiare regalatele la rosa del deserto

e allora che ne dite???? scegliete il vostro per info su costi o bijoux unici su richiestaa non esitate a contattarmi

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Write A Honor Society Service Hour Letters

survey and mother of pearl earrings ladybug

ciao a tutte.... per ora non ho tantissimo tempo per aggiornare il blog ma sono molto contenta di come stia andando il mio gioco coccinelloso so I decided to make this another term and this time you will all you to choose the theme. how?? with a survey that found in the right column I entered Alcone responses so casting choices! the choice is yours ... Meanwhile, what about these oricchini?? I find them very pretty and delicate are 3 pairs! if you are interested please contact me at soon ...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Closing Garage Door Clip Art

first arrived!

here's the first ladybug I came to the game on the topic that are still open Registration of this blog antonella and iris-19 I find it wonderful, a breath of spring in the cold autumn! was also super fast ... congratulations! I am very happy with how you're doing this play theme I see a lot of enthusiasm by the participants ... maybe this will just end up doing another what do you think?? indeed do so 'leave a commentocon the topic you'd like to play the next ... waiting for your comments hello!

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Stores Have Lay A Way

Thoughts on bus travel between sex and chastity

As some of you know, have recently immigrated to the Veneto region for study. Even if you will (I think) a temporary stay, it is still a good 'blow' for someone like me, had spent all the years of his life in his hometown, accompanied by loved ones. As usual, not I could not help but draw a starting point for reflection on what I'm living to find a comparison and, perhaps, some useful advice from some of my venerable philosophers who, in our usual appointment, I propose to you.

The thing that impressed me most of all before the start was in the eyes of my family and my inseparable friend a deep sense of sadness. I say empathic sadness rather than grief because, while the latter refers more to a compassion for the other intended to stop at a superficial level, what transpired in them was more intimate, just like a 'cause selfish' loss of part themselves. And it was This struck me to: realize how our lives might be affected and bind to what is external, to the point of being afraid of individuals as if they were amputated in a piece of themselves, despite the inability of structural 'take over' the other is evident. But now that we let someone else to talk about the sadness.

"The sadness is never an overflow, but a state that goes out and dies. What characterizes it is very significantly the frequency of its occurrence after the supreme contentment and vital task. Because it follows the sexual act because we are sad after a hangover or a formidable Dionysian excess, perchè le grandi gioie sono foriere di tristezza? Perchè di tutto lo slancio consumato in questi eccessi restano solo il sentimento dell'irreparabile e il senso di perdita e abbandono, contrassegnati da una fortissima intensità negativa. La tristezza insorge ogni volta che la vita si dissipa. La sua intensità eguaglia l'entità delle perdite subìte.
[...] La vita non è che una prolungata agonia. E la tristezza mi sembra rispecchi qualcosa di questa agonia. Il contrarsi del volto che essa provoca non ne è un riflesso? Il viso di chi è colpito da un'intensa tristezza mostra dei segni che sembrano scavare nell'essenza stessa dell'essere. Nella tristezza il volto emana una tale interiorità che il visibile apre una porta sull'anima. (Fenomeno che si manifesta anche nelle grandi gioie)" (E.M. Cioran, Al culmine della disperazione par. 53)

Già, le grandi gioie. Confesso di averne vissute parecchie, la maggior parte coi miei 'sgangherati' amici. Penso spesso a loro in questi giorni: alle cavolate fatte assieme, a come sia cambiato tutto nella nostra vita tranne la certezza di poter contare l'uno su l'altro e, soprattutto, a quante piccole cose ci meriteremmo di più e di cui, putroppo, ce ne siamo dovuti privare. Per questo voglio dedicare loro, a mò di esortazione fraterna, questi accorati versi per cercare di vivere, il più possibile, senza rimpianti.

"Che cosa è mai decisione? La choice, no, point is always about something that is already before, something that you can take or leave. De-cision here means to set up and create, to have, give up or lose, before and beyond itself. Who decides? Everyone, even without taking any decision and without wanting to know, avoiding the preparation. What you decide? Of ourselves? We who? But because you have to take decisions ? What decision? The necessary form of implementation of freedom. Decision as an act of man, seen as a process, in its consequences.

[...] Just what is lived and that can live as an experience, what pro-breaks in the horizon of life experiences, what man is able to carry her forward and in front of him, may be worth. "(M. Heidegger, Contributions to Philosophy par. 46 and 63)

And last but not least, thanks goes to my parents for giving me this extraordinary opportunity despite the thousands of sacrifices that all of us a little poor bastards we have to shoulder at a time like this, besides making me become who I am. I would be ungrateful, after all this sickly sweet solemnity, if not also thank all of you who frequent this blog that, slowly, advances, aware of the many, many things I'd like to talk to you.
Finally, back on the sufferings and sacrifices are unavoidable, perhaps we can see things in a different light, at least not to cry just me ...

"Just as we are today, we stand a good number of afflictions, and our stomach is equipped with heavy food. Perhaps, without them, we would find tasteless the banquet of life, and without the good will of the pain, we should leave miss too many joys. " (F. Nietzsche, The courage to suffer par.354 in Aurora ).