Monday, November 5, 2007

Footballers Doing Shower

High heels cause schizophrenia? And the pork affects the onset of multiple sclerosis?

Rome, October 30 (Reuters) - High heels can cause schizophrenia, pace of women who never falls from the beloved stilettos. Attention also to the effects of jet-lag: open the door to mental illness. And to prevent multiple sclerosis, better to disappear from the table or bacon sausage: pork would cause the disease. These are just some of the most bizarre medical theories passed in review by British newspaper 'Daily Mail', which warns that some seem absurd, but sometimes are based on proven scientific evidence. Well, Jarl Flensmark University of Malmo (Sweden), vows to have evidence that the first cases of schizophrenia have appeared just when they were invented the shoes 'dizzying': not the day before yesterday, but a thousand years ago.
The first shoes with heels are in fact appeared in Mesopotamia, the same area in which they were observed the first psychiatric patients. In England, from 700 onwards, women have discovered the charm of high shoes and hand in hand, there has been an unexplained rise in cases of schizophrenia. Same thing in North America, while among the natives, who use only footwear moccasin, mental illness if they have not seen many. But here's the scientific explanation: when we walk 'plant on the ground', the movements of the feet stimulate the receptors in our end by increasing the activity of brain cells.
'lift' the heel, the receptors are stimulated less and this causes a change in the domestic production of dopamine, a substance known to psychiatrists to play a key role in the onset of schizophrenia. At the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical School in Israel, some experts have verified that the changes in melatonin secretion, typical of the time zone change related to long trips abroad, are the basis of many diseases of the psyche, such as anxiety, depression and social phobias. A heavy jet-lag, therefore, can only facilitate the onset of symptoms varied. Hoaxes or reality, then? May prefer to opt for the first dog owners, 'accused' by a team of experts from the University of Monaco di aumentare il rischio di tumore al seno nelle loro padrone.
Sembra che la stretta vicinanza con un compagno a quattro zampe amplifichi di 29 volte il pericolo di malattia, come è stato confermato da uno studio norvegese su oltre 14mila cani: quasi il 54% degli animali di sesso femminile era affetto da cancro della mammella. Essendo presente sia nei canidi che negli umani un virus, l'Mmtv, che aumenta il rischio di tumore in entrambe le specie, la conclusione è che il fedele amico a quattro zampe potrebbe infettare anche le donne. Liberi di non crederci, anche se i ricercatori tedeschi hanno rilevato che il 78% delle malate di tumore al seno ha avuto contatti stretti con un cane prima della diagnosi.
Discorso a parte per i vermi intestinali che, in addition to the adverse effects caused to those who 'hosts', however, seem able to protect dall'aterosclerosi: Israeli scientists have been able to demonstrate that these small organisms that cause infections in the womb, producing anti-inflammatory substances that have a preventive effect against neurodegenerative diseases.
Bad news then for those who love the pork: chops, and binge eating tripe alla romana - according to a University of Ottawa, Canada - can increase the risk of a disease previously considered free of the mechanisms of onset-related habits food, multiple sclerosis. The high index of fat content in these foods might have an effect negative on the membranes that surround nerve fibers. This would also explain the limited number of cases in countries where pork is forbidden for religious reasons.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mens Masterbation Equitment

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and soccer

there a relationship between ALS and football?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou-Gehrig's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive destruction of motor neurons in the motor cortex and anterior horn of the spinal cord nerve cells transmit these commands to move from the brain the muscles and when the disease progresses, are no longer able to send its commands, the voluntary muscles are undergo a progressive atrophy and paralysis. The incidence of the disease in the general population is 0.6 to 2.6 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. The values \u200b\u200bof incidence / prevalence in Italy are the highest in Western countries, with 1.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year: about 800 new patients each year. However, there are two areas of the world particularly affected the island of Guam in the Pacific, and the Kii Peninsula, Japan, probably in relation to environmental factors, such as eating habits. ALS predominantly affects adults, with higher incidence in people aged between 50 and 70 years, of both sexes (with slight prevalence in males). In most cases it is a sporadic disease that can affect anyone, only 10% of cases are transmitted genetically (familial ALS), mostly as an autosomal dominant (familial ALS 1). In familial forms the disease occurs early and have progressed quite quickly. Disease onset is usually insidious and the patient reports weakness and muscle fatigue. Sometimes presents cramps, strange bumps on land and / or difficult to hold objects, non-specific signs and symptoms of a disease that inevitably leading to death within about three years. With the disease progresses more and more muscles are involved to complete paralysis of the limbs, the difficoltà o impossibilità a masticare, deglutire, parlare. Normalmente sono risparmiate le funzioni vescicali e sessuali. Nelle fasi molto avanzate della malattia si rendono necessari presidi medico-chirurgici per rendere possibili l’alimentazione e la respirazione. Più dell’80% dei soggetti affetti muoiono per un disturbo respiratorio, aggravato da superinfezione bronchiale. La SLA è una malattia drammatica che distrugge progressivamente ogni distretto muscolare, rendendo il paziente incapace di compiere qualsiasi atto della vita quotidiana, lasciandolo tuttavia completamente cosciente del proprio decadimento. Le cellule nervose corticali, deputate al controllo dell’intelletto, della memoria e dell’emotività, non are indeed affected by the degenerative process. The psychological impact of the disease is substantial and the depressed mood is common to almost all patients and requires early and specific measures. The diagnosis is made using various tests and laboratory tests, MRI, nerve and muscle biopsy, electrodiagnostic tests. There is currently no effective therapy. ALS, trauma and sports activities. In football players has been observed incidence of ALS in Italy five times higher than the general population. In addition, the age of onset of the disease in this group of subjects is significantly earlier than average. From these observations, several scholars have formulated hypotheses to explain the reason for this "epidemic" in the world of football. The stock represents, to many scholars, a sport at risk of developing ALS for the continuing trauma to which the central nervous system is subjected by the header. The soccer players in fact, differently from other sports, head to hit the ball without any protection. The force with which the ball impacts on the skull is about 500-1200 Newton, however, it spreads quickly even on the neck and trunk. Another hypothesis put forward by some scientists (Felmus 1976; Granieri 1988, Gregoire 1991) and supported by others, is that vigorous physical activity can, together with other environmental factors and constitutional dell'insorgeneza be responsible for the disease. Previous studies, but indirect, have shown that during exercise there is the production of reactive oxygen species. The oxygen free radicals are created, the players, the combination of intense physical effort with other factors, in fact, dietary habits (food pro-oxidants), prolonged use of antiinflammatory drugs, followed by the repeated ischemia iperivascolarizzazione (due microtraumatic to prolonged anaerobic activity or followed by sudden reoxygenation) may represent an additional source of oxidative stress, which the central nervous system is particularly Senis. Esso contiene infatti una grande quantità di substrati facilmente ossidabili.

Friday, October 26, 2007

What Is Sedative Filling

Spa: The sulphurous waters

Sono denominate solfuree le acque che possiedono una quantità pari o superiore a 1 mg di idrogeno solforato(H2S) per litro. Nelle acque solfuree lo zolfo si trova in forma bivalente.
Azioni biologiche. I composti solfurei vengono assorbiti dall’organismo con metodiche crenoterapiche sia interne che esterne. La via elettiva di eliminazione dell’H2S è il polmone ed esiste inoltre uno spiccato organotropismo per le strutture articolari.
Azione sul sistema neurovegetativo. Le acque solfuree stimolano il sistema nervoso parasimpatico. Il risultato è vasodilatation with a significant increase in capillary vascular permeability, decreased systemic blood pressure, and bradycardia bradypnea.
action on defense mechanisms and inflammation. seems that the sulphurous waters are able to stimulate the body to defend itself against both the inflammatory stimuli of endogenous pro-inflammatory agents through external stimulation on the SRE, the enhancement of antibody production, regulation of the synthesis of prostaglandins, the production of mediators.
antitoxic action. is probably related to the stimulation of the SRE, but are also detected antitoxic specific actions on various organic substances and metals, including which lead, bismuth and phosphorus.
action on the liver. The sulphurous waters are able to protect cells from the fatty liver induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), arsenic, phosphorus and necrosis of phenol. There was an improvement frameworks dysproteinaemia and an increase in prothrombin. Regarding glucose metabolism observed increase in liver glycogen and blood glucose-lowering.
action on the smooth muscle and digestive secretion. Especially for parasympathetic stimulation sulphurous waters induce bronchoconstriction, increase intestinal motility, gastric secretion, the coleresi and motility of the biliary tract.
action on the mucous membranes and mucus. H2S causes intense vasodilation with increased capillary permeability in the regeneration of the epithelium and submucosa. It showed an improvement of mucus clearance ciliare.Per-specific and nonspecific actions thinners, there is an increase in sputum. The vagal stimulation involves an increase in bronchial serous secretion. With direct mucolytic activity H2S reduces disulfide bonds of mucoproteins fibrillar splitting fibers mucoproteiche. You evidenziatoun protective role on the mucosa against toxic substances, and stimulating the production of surfactant.
Action on the locomotive. The sulphurous waters carrying effetti trofici nei confronti della cartilagine e del tessuto connettivo. In vitro l’H2S attiva le collagenasi e si ritiene che la crenoterapia solfurea sia in grado di "attenuare le reazioni connettivali’ contrastando processi fibrotici abnormi.
Azione sulla cute. Le acque solfuree esercitano essenzialmente azioni plastiche e antiseborroiche. A pH cutaneo acido l’H2S stimola la proliferazione dello strato spinoso esercitando un’azione cheratoplastica. Sullo stratocorneo lo zolfo possiede proprietà esfolianti e cheratolitiche, accentuate in ambiente alcalino.
Azione antisettica. Le proprietà batteriostatiche e antimicotiche dell’H2S sono riconducibili al potere riducente. L’acido tends to oxidize sulfide with the formation of sulfur Sulphated nascent oxygen to the microorganisms subtracting

Copied from Zanussi, Medical Therapy Practice, 2002 Utet


Deep Transverse Massage

transverse friction massage deep
recover mobility in the muscles in the same way in which the mobilization
free joint.
has a dual effect if done correctly:
traumatic hyperaemia and mobility. The traumatic hyperaemia
reduces pain by increasing blood inflow. By reducing
of pain the patient is able to move more freely
structure sore. Massage also frees adhesions
when performed in the transverse direction, so
can be performed in muscle injuries, ligament and tendon
. The clutch thins the scar tissue that can keep members
structures in an abnormal way. Moreover,
is not a method that all patients tolerated
must be limited to the treatment session.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Online Able To Save Games

Ice is hallucinogenic? Massage and

September 10, 2007 .. is not the September 11 ... but

8:30 at the gates entering

9:30 10:30 11:30
give us the envelopes do not start yet, I want a rubber ... ..

I was in class 2 and 11.30, while waiting for giving us the way, I went to rummage in my bag in search of a chewing gum. I took the bag and while I was closing the commissioners entered the examination in the courtroom, saying, 'Come on, you can open the envelope. " I got up suddenly and I turned around to return to the bench. I did not realize that I was behind the windows of the room open and I hit with one eye on the edge of the window. I saw stars! I turned around and by instinct I brought a hand to squeeze the eye. 15 seconds, I think, full of stars! My only thought was: Even if I bleed, I do not go. I do the exam. It 's more than a month that study. I'm not leaving. Then, fortunately, after removing the hand from the eye I found out it was bleeding and when Commissioner examination he asked me how I was, I said: Fine! eliciting laughter throughout the courtroom. I did all the test with a bag of ice pressed on the eye, the Commissioner said kindly brought me. The eye was throbbing like a heart and I think I had hallucinations. I remember one question: what is that element that has 58 protons? Look at the difficult question I thought. After 5 minutes at trying to understand what it was, and not finding an answer that satisfies me, I reread the question I asked: What is that element which has 8 protons? .. A settimna discover after you have passed the selection .. and I suspect that the ice has had a strange effect on me doping. What do you think?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pausing An Audio Clip On Imovie


L’etimologia del termine “massaggio” è controversa. Secondo alcuni esso deriva dall’arabo “mass” con significato di maneggiare, toccare, palpare. [1] Altri hanno proposto il greco “massein”, impastare. “Ma un’etimologia orientale è verosimile tenendo conto di quella pratica di così vasto uso un tempo in Oriente” [2] . Con il termine “massaggio” si indicano generalmente “le varie manipolazioni manuali praticate sulla superficie di un essere vivente a scopo terapeutico”. [3]
Nato come manifestazione di terapia locale istintiva, il massaggio è be considered as "one of the first therapeutic techniques that have been made by man" [4] . At this stage follows the empirical over the centuries the development of a technique: already in Ayurveda, the ancient sacred Hindu civilization Treaty, massage therapy are described and exposed some signs. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey frequent nods to the practice of massage used before and after exercise and gymnastics practice as simply relaxing.
already known and widely practiced by the Egyptians, the Chinese, Sumerians and Babylonians, indeed Accustomed to the honors of a real rite only in the greek-roman period. As written by the same VLFeràndiz:
“I greci trassero dall’antico Egitto questi insegnamenti ed Ippocrate stabilì alcune regole inerenti la direzione in cui dovevano venire effettuate le varie manipolazioni del massaggio, insegnando ai massaggiatori empirici quando dovevano agire in direzione centripeta dirigendo le manovre dall’estremità al cuore e quando dovevano agire in direzione centrifuga, ovvero prossimo distale.” [5]

I romani appresero il massaggio ed i suoi benefici dai medici greci. Celso fu uno dei più grandi medici romani e non poté non interessarsi a tale pratica molto usata nelle terme dell’antica Roma: esso lo consiglia come eccellente per paralisi e nevralgie.
Con la caduta dell’Impero Romano iniziò per la massoterapia un lungo periodo di silenzio rotto solo nel secolo XVI quando Paracelso raccomandò caldamente l’uso delle frizioni e l’Università di Padova raccolse studiosi che cominciarono ad esaminare più scientificamente questa tecnica.
Tali studi vennero continuati e approfonditi dalla scuola tedesca e svedese fin quando, dopo circa tre secoli di sperimentazioni, giunse dalla Svezia la vera rivalutazione del massaggio con la fondazione dell’Istituto Ling, medico svedese ideatore di movimenti ginnici razionali ed efficaci per il soggetto sano come per il malato. [6]
L’arte del massaggio entrava così a far parte essenziale di una nuova branca della medicina:

"the wave of enthusiasm for the dissemination of medical gymnastics and the fantastic results achieved by Dr. Metzger Amsterdam many amateurs more or less competent massage began their work in the West. The German surgeon
Mosengeil established the scientific basis of therapeutic massage, experiencing the mechanical action and by checking the effects of the manipulations.
Dr. Kellogg introduced in the United States the method used secularly in Japan and the Far East.
Later Dr. De Forest promoted the teaching and use in sanatorium treatment of this method of Leman. " [7]

In these first decades of the twentieth method of massage, with the elimination of many unnecessary operations and the rationalization of those effective, is outlined and framed as a true scientific discipline.
E 'in the same period that Dr. VL Ferràndiz encoding its therapeutic method of assigning the name quiromasaque and founded the first school of massage Iberian history, thereby effectively beginning the spread of this practice, hitherto confined to the toilets Beauty, in Spain.
[1] The Dictionary of Italian Giancarlo written by Giacomo Devoto and Oli, Le Monnier, 1990, records it as deriving from the French massage, der. of farm 'massage', Voice of Arab origin.
[2] M. Boigey, The Book of Massage, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, 1973, p.5.
[3] Ibid .
[4] "The man who feels a pain in any part of the body instinctively puts his hand on the painful area, the firm keeps exerting pressure or performing a moving friction. These instinctive actions are performed without some were suggested. In M. Brunetti, Massage and online editions Mediterranean, Rome, p.13.
[5] VLFerràndiz, Quiromasaje ..
[6] "Al Ling and Georgil we have the knowledge of the therapeutic methods implemented by both passive and active movement, which constitute one form of treatment is universally accepted that the physical therapy. "M. Brunet, massage and line, cit., P.16.
[7] VLFerràndiz, Quiromasaje, cit.