Friday, October 26, 2007

What Is Sedative Filling

Spa: The sulphurous waters

Sono denominate solfuree le acque che possiedono una quantità pari o superiore a 1 mg di idrogeno solforato(H2S) per litro. Nelle acque solfuree lo zolfo si trova in forma bivalente.
Azioni biologiche. I composti solfurei vengono assorbiti dall’organismo con metodiche crenoterapiche sia interne che esterne. La via elettiva di eliminazione dell’H2S è il polmone ed esiste inoltre uno spiccato organotropismo per le strutture articolari.
Azione sul sistema neurovegetativo. Le acque solfuree stimolano il sistema nervoso parasimpatico. Il risultato è vasodilatation with a significant increase in capillary vascular permeability, decreased systemic blood pressure, and bradycardia bradypnea.
action on defense mechanisms and inflammation. seems that the sulphurous waters are able to stimulate the body to defend itself against both the inflammatory stimuli of endogenous pro-inflammatory agents through external stimulation on the SRE, the enhancement of antibody production, regulation of the synthesis of prostaglandins, the production of mediators.
antitoxic action. is probably related to the stimulation of the SRE, but are also detected antitoxic specific actions on various organic substances and metals, including which lead, bismuth and phosphorus.
action on the liver. The sulphurous waters are able to protect cells from the fatty liver induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), arsenic, phosphorus and necrosis of phenol. There was an improvement frameworks dysproteinaemia and an increase in prothrombin. Regarding glucose metabolism observed increase in liver glycogen and blood glucose-lowering.
action on the smooth muscle and digestive secretion. Especially for parasympathetic stimulation sulphurous waters induce bronchoconstriction, increase intestinal motility, gastric secretion, the coleresi and motility of the biliary tract.
action on the mucous membranes and mucus. H2S causes intense vasodilation with increased capillary permeability in the regeneration of the epithelium and submucosa. It showed an improvement of mucus clearance ciliare.Per-specific and nonspecific actions thinners, there is an increase in sputum. The vagal stimulation involves an increase in bronchial serous secretion. With direct mucolytic activity H2S reduces disulfide bonds of mucoproteins fibrillar splitting fibers mucoproteiche. You evidenziatoun protective role on the mucosa against toxic substances, and stimulating the production of surfactant.
Action on the locomotive. The sulphurous waters carrying effetti trofici nei confronti della cartilagine e del tessuto connettivo. In vitro l’H2S attiva le collagenasi e si ritiene che la crenoterapia solfurea sia in grado di "attenuare le reazioni connettivali’ contrastando processi fibrotici abnormi.
Azione sulla cute. Le acque solfuree esercitano essenzialmente azioni plastiche e antiseborroiche. A pH cutaneo acido l’H2S stimola la proliferazione dello strato spinoso esercitando un’azione cheratoplastica. Sullo stratocorneo lo zolfo possiede proprietà esfolianti e cheratolitiche, accentuate in ambiente alcalino.
Azione antisettica. Le proprietà batteriostatiche e antimicotiche dell’H2S sono riconducibili al potere riducente. L’acido tends to oxidize sulfide with the formation of sulfur Sulphated nascent oxygen to the microorganisms subtracting

Copied from Zanussi, Medical Therapy Practice, 2002 Utet


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