Cross and love for art
I do not like self-congratulation. But a degree is still a degree, to heck! So here I am, to give you a "starter" of my dissertation, which focuses on the aesthetics of Benedetto Croce, who did not hesitate a moment to identify as my ideal philosopher (although it is aware of the wishful thinking that there is behind the idealization and emulation: we always end up chasing someone, inevitably, will never achieve).
extract that soon I will propose is an excerpt from a work of 1933, "The poesia", in cui Croce riesamina e puntualizza i concetti fondamentali della sua estetica (che troverete riepilogati sinteticamente nella mia tesi, ovviamente se ne avrete voglia). Croce prende in considerazione il famigerato luogo comune dell' "arte per l'arte", ovvero dell'amore disinteressato che ogni artista dovrebbe avere rispetto al proprio ufficio sacro : l'espressione. Tuttavia, ed è un'altra lezione che ho imparato da Croce, nulla di quello che gli uomini fanno è veramente disinteressato: laddove non c'è un minimo di guadagno personale, statene certi, chiunque gira al largo! Anche la solidarietà implica un'attrattiva individuale, quale può essere l'intima gratificazione per chi la fa...Infine, let me define the parallel sublime cross between love and artistic expression. And 'perhaps one of the things that struck me most of the philosophy of the Cross: his thoughts, to everyone in terms of linearity and simplicity, are set with small gems enrich his poetic speculation without weighing it down, even further clarified. But it's time to talk about "our" Cross
- Art for art -
"The poetic expression of love can pierce the object of worship and love and be treated no more as an expression, but as something that is sought for, by, as they say, art for art's sake.
Like any love, this has also founded on the reality of a need, and, in his case, of poetic expression, but like any love takes place beyond, and even without and against, satisfying the original need. So how do you love, and love seriously, women who do not have any desire to own, feeling that would be lost possession in the best or all of the love and the spell will break.
[...] But, pausing for poetic expressions of love, it, like any other love, and the contact for the presence of the beloved, and therefore you worship and practice of those expressions, not only without anything of their own to transform into beauty. Something similar is found in the circle of thought, where we sometimes toyed with the thought for thought, that the logic for logic, as in the case of sharpness and riddles, and partly in the subtleties that likes to multiply , of the detailed and lengthy arguments superfluous like to play in all their steps, enjoying his own cleverness, and pull far enough to mention.
love and look for things such poetic expressions or (here is the same) as people try to say the pictures off their relationship, detached and abstract, and caress and admire them and stop them in articulate sounds, attending to the perfection of each of them. That is what you see in the pages of the virtuous art for art, so perfect in every detail to move forward and discomfort in the spirit of a poet, who is ready to throw away all to express themselves "without perfection" (ie very different from that perfection ). Why so much emphasis in each image, no art in that way that all the fund collects and mitigate the fund that could only generate a poetic life, and only give them size and proportions. It not only lacks the poetic background, but also the other forms in which literature and various content that is extrapoetico [ie, passions, impulses, interests of the artist as a man]. They are however, those individual images as idols, which he [or pseudo-artista, quello cultore della sola forma, destinato per questo a rinchiudersi nella più totale autorefenzialità] plasma e adora.
Per questa via s'intende anche in qual modo si venga determinando una sorta di teoria dell' "arte per l'arte" a uso di quei critici che pretendono di trovare e spiegare la bellezza di un verso, che è bellezza spirituale [ovvero nella vita, nella contingenza, nella concreta ed ineludibile necessità di esprimersi che l'artista sente quando è gravido di ispirazione], nei suoni per sè, negli accenti, nei ritmi, nella "musica", come la sogliono chiamare, dimostrando, in questo lor dire, scarsa stima, non tanto della poesia, quanto della musica stessa. [...] In questi casi difetta l'amore e, con l'amore, la capacità di dare alle proprie opere quella verità e quella bellezza che pur sono in grado di conseguire. L'arte per l'arte non è che un innamoramento tra gli altri innamoramenti, una servitù d'amore tra le altre servitù d'amore".
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tropical Paint Colors
GeoHot yet found a flaw in BootRoom ... Jailbreak virtually assured for the fifth generation of iDevice!
As already confirmed
As already confirmed
GeoHot used an exploit Comix, the author of Jailbreakme to create LimeRain : the universal tool for release device of the third and fourth generation.
Geo One wonders why he has behaved this way, even being able to do the job alone ... The answer comes directly from
Comix revealing that Geo has preserved for future exploits iDevice!
We are at a historic achievement in the history of jailbreak: all devices on the market were Jailbreak and hackers exploit in BootRoom 2 in Serbian and many other small and correctable in the software. The jail
fifth generation of devices is virtually assured!

Geo One wonders why he has behaved this way, even being able to do the job alone ... The answer comes directly from
Comix revealing that Geo has preserved for future exploits iDevice!
We are at a historic achievement in the history of jailbreak: all devices on the market were Jailbreak and hackers exploit in BootRoom 2 in Serbian and many other small and correctable in the software. The jail
fifth generation of devices is virtually assured!
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Apple Store in Turin, three employees were dismissed without reason. Here is the entire interview.
MILAN - "We have even asked her out the back door." And why? "They did not even explain it." Marco Savi, 42, worked at the 'Apple Store Grugliasco, in Turin. It was part of the team of employees during the festive opening of the last month (and days following) welcomed the crowd of fans of Mac and iPhone. The employment with the bitten apple was, for him, a sort of dream come true: "It's always been my passion, "she says. A month and a half later, however, came the bitter surprise.
"I was fired along with two colleagues before it ended the trial. " Nothing illegal, then. "The problem - adds Savi - is that no one has deigned to give us a valid reason." Possible? "I have said that not only address customers a" warm greetings "and thought that I was not aligned with the Apple." And what does this mean? I do not know. The only thing I can say is that sometimes, at meetings in the morning, I found myself to make some simple observations on the functioning of our history, but always with a positive attitude. I never questioned the company's philosophy. Perhaps, however, have been seen as a nuisance. "
IN TEST - Savi criticizes the conduct of its (former) manager (which I actually prefer not to comment on each other, as well as Apple). 'People in the leg, for heaven's sake. But they come from experiences that have little to do with the technology and Apple products. They, too, among others, are being tested. Manager in prova che si sono trovati a gestire, e giudicare, personale in prova. Il giorno dell'apertura siamo stati mandati allo sbaraglio. In pochi sapevano usare le casse, i Pos non funzionavano, per fare un finanziamento ci volevano ore. Ci siamo trovati di fronte a clienti incavolati costretti ad attendere a lungo prima di completare un acquisto». E lei ha segnalato questi problemi ai suoi capi. «Ho fatto quello che dovevo, per questo mi sento in pace con la coscienza». Non è che invece ha combinato qualche casino? «Per carità, non sono uno di quelli che rompono le scatole. Io ero felice di quel lavoro. Tutti i giorni mi facevo 75 km in auto per andare e 75 km per tornare. Sono entrato alla Apple perché quella è la mia passione. A kind of myth. I never did anything against a company that I continue to appreciate even now, despite what has happened. On one evening to morning, however, I was sent away. I would at least understand why. " Maybe they have not considered suitable for the job. "I would have accepted, if I was given a valid explanation. Or maybe you could let me know, let me know what the context of my behavior. Instead I keep wondering what did I do wrong. " And now? "I wait for someone from Apple will face live. Then we'll see. " He heard his former colleagues? "Yes, I am told that the work atmosphere is very tense. Among other things, they just distributed the evaluation forms on the manager. After what has happened, do not know precisely how to behave. "
STUDENT - Even Alessandro Montagner, 22, was fired from the Apple Store in Grugliasco during the trial period. The refrain, as we see clearly La Stampa (who uncovered the story), is the same: "I have not been given any valid explanation." According to Young, however, the decision in this case was linked to his decision to attend the European Institute of Design (IED). Incompatibility of schedule, perhaps? "Not at all - sure - I could handle. And then I had warned the company since the first interview work. I was told that there would be no problems. Indeed, they were happy to promote the professional growth of employees. " Things, apparently, have turned out differently. "One day I was summoned to the office and I have announced their intention not to reconfirm. No one has explained why. " It is also released her from the back? "I have asked. But I preferred to leave the front door. Walking Tall. "
STUDENT - Even Alessandro Montagner, 22, was fired from the Apple Store in Grugliasco during the trial period. The refrain, as we see clearly La Stampa (who uncovered the story), is the same: "I have not been given any valid explanation." According to Young, however, the decision in this case was linked to his decision to attend the European Institute of Design (IED). Incompatibility of schedule, perhaps? "Not at all - sure - I could handle. And then I had warned the company since the first interview work. I was told that there would be no problems. Indeed, they were happy to promote the professional growth of employees. " Things, apparently, have turned out differently. "One day I was summoned to the office and I have announced their intention not to reconfirm. No one has explained why. " It is also released her from the back? "I have asked. But I preferred to leave the front door. Walking Tall. "
You can not say that they were polite ... what is your opinion?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Breastfeeding Blankets
Not happy with the glass? Try the metal!
Not happy with the cover rear glass? Too square? Too fragile? Too many fingerprints? Too many too many, here's the solution! With this guide you can change the back cover and put in glass dell'iPhone4 metal! It's really easy ... 1 - Order the cover
is also on eBay, but slightly 'squarer. 2 - Use a screwdriver to loosen the star two small screws at the inlet side of the dock.
3 - Remove the back cover
, perhaps with the help of a suction cup.
5 - Watch and admire the new jewel e. ..
:-) The game is made easy and beautiful is not it?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Nylon Grandmother Nylon Son
MuscleNerd confirmation: For the A4 with the Jailbreak processor is guaranteed for life.
using the social network Twitter, MuscleNerd informs us that all the Apple devices, equipped with a processor A4, will enjoy the Jailbreak Unthedered of all versions of IOS will be. Everything is possible thanks to PwnageTool, that tomorrow will undergo an upgrade, the exploit found by integrating GeoHot that was used in Limera1n, and the one found by Comex exploits that made the previous type Unthedered. Of course we refer to the latest devices such as 4
. For updates will be notified by a new article.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Organisations That Help People
Ci farebbe piacere in oltre, che una volta che avete usufruito del servizio, lasciaste un commento con il vostro parere\voto su di esso. Vi lascio i contatti di recapito:
Mail: E tutto gratuitamente!
Brown Thick Discharge
The trial of Socrates
Pur rendendomi conto che potrei tedìarvi con la mia piccola crociata per la giustizia, intesa non come un'astratta entità di cui riempirsi la bocca ma un vero e proprio modus vivendi , proseguo imperterrito lungo questa direzione. Ed una naturale tappa d'approdo per questa mia ricerca non poteva che essere la figura di Socrate: un uomo che ha accettato un'ingiusta morte per la sua fiducia justice on earth and after death. The text to which we refer is of course the 'Apology "written by Plato, the most famous and faithful follower of Socrates.
But to understand fully the radical nature of the behavior of Socrates is first necessary to contextualize the events we are in January of 399 BC in Athens. Socrates is brought to court by apple trees, Anita and Liconi, respectively, poet, politician and orator who had been ridiculed by Socrates for their vanity and the rampant corruption of their morals. The reasons for Rejecters were very general and specious: Socrates was accused of "suspect in a spirit of wicked things in heaven and earth to corrupt young people and not to believe in the gods to which he believed the city, but in new demonic deity.
But the real reason why Socrates was accused and convicted, were to be found in the nascent democracy of Athens (daughter of a ruling class already then in the grip of corruption and malfeasance), who needed to get rid of an individual for his dialectic and oratorical ability and his way of life based on justice, righteousness on poverty and was a threat because he could sommuovere Athenian popular opinion. But the invitation to my drivel, let it be Socrates himself to speak and teach us what is justice, because he has accepted his and death sentence because a just man should not fear it (as always, additions and comments are put in brackets).
- The Defence of Socrates -
"If someone told me: - But are not you ashamed, Socrates, of Essert given a job for which time did you put at risk of dying? - So I would say a good right: - You're wrong, my friend, if you value a man of some value must take into account the life and death. He is in his actions only to consider whether what he does is right or wrong and if it acts as an honest man or evil. According to your reasoning, would be to estimate those little demigods and all the others who died before Troy. [...] And now that God has given me un posto di combattimento, così almeno io credo di dovere interpretare il suo volere, posto di combattimento che è quello di vivere filosofando [il "vivere filosofando" è il vivere secondo una disciplina che fa della filosofia non la ricerca di un sapere astratto, ma una pratica morale che è armonia di pensiero e di azione], esaminando me e gli altri, sarebbe veramente cosa grave se io, per paura della morte o d'altro, disertassi il campo [Socrate ha un senso profondamente religioso della vita, che gli faceva riguardare la personalità di ciascuno come inserita in fini etici superiori dell'umanità e la vita tutta come dovere, al quale non è lecito sottrarsi. Per questo non mirava a sovvertire le leggi o lo Stato, bensì to urge his countrymen not to take care of wealth rather than the soul and virtue]. [...] Since
, or Athenians, the fear of death is nothing more than to be wise without being one, that is to say, believe they know what it is not known, because no one knows whether death, as if afraid that the man already know that the greatest of all evils, rather than being for the greatest good. It is not the most reprehensible ignorance that is the belief of knowing what you do not know? [...] But one thing I know for certain: that doing an injustice and disobey our superior, whether God or man, is evil and shameful. So I never will fear nor flee what we do not know if it's good, but rather the evil that I know that. "
- Socrates was condemned to death -
" Maybe you think, or the Athenians, who have been convicted of no such talks with such disabilities which I could persuade you if I believed that you had to say and do anything to escape condemnation. Not at all! What I failed were not the arguments, but the boldness and audacity and the will not to say things that would have been very pleasant to hear, crying and complaining and doing other things unworthy of me, but to which others had used it. I do not regret that I defended well, and indeed prefer myself so much more readily defended, and die to defend it in that way, and live.
[...] But consider well, O Athenians, that is hard not to avoid death but rather to avoid the evil that comes to us faster than the death [is easier to avoid the death that evil, as weak and vile is man's soul before the instincts and worldly passions, the source of conflicts and wars]. And now I, as late and old, have been achieved by what is later, my accusers, however, as more vigorous and fast, faster than it is, evil. And now I go from here condemned you to die, instead they condemned by truth to be evil and unjust [it is said that the accusers of Socrates have died a violent death. It was rooted in the Greek belief that the evil in this life requires a repair that can be extended to the descendants of those who committed evil]. I accept my punishment, they theirs. He must be so, and I think it is good.
Pur rendendomi conto che potrei tedìarvi con la mia piccola crociata per la giustizia, intesa non come un'astratta entità di cui riempirsi la bocca ma un vero e proprio modus vivendi , proseguo imperterrito lungo questa direzione. Ed una naturale tappa d'approdo per questa mia ricerca non poteva che essere la figura di Socrate: un uomo che ha accettato un'ingiusta morte per la sua fiducia justice on earth and after death. The text to which we refer is of course the 'Apology "written by Plato, the most famous and faithful follower of Socrates.
But to understand fully the radical nature of the behavior of Socrates is first necessary to contextualize the events we are in January of 399 BC in Athens. Socrates is brought to court by apple trees, Anita and Liconi, respectively, poet, politician and orator who had been ridiculed by Socrates for their vanity and the rampant corruption of their morals. The reasons for Rejecters were very general and specious: Socrates was accused of "suspect in a spirit of wicked things in heaven and earth to corrupt young people and not to believe in the gods to which he believed the city, but in new demonic deity.
But the real reason why Socrates was accused and convicted, were to be found in the nascent democracy of Athens (daughter of a ruling class already then in the grip of corruption and malfeasance), who needed to get rid of an individual for his dialectic and oratorical ability and his way of life based on justice, righteousness on poverty and was a threat because he could sommuovere Athenian popular opinion. But the invitation to my drivel, let it be Socrates himself to speak and teach us what is justice, because he has accepted his and death sentence because a just man should not fear it (as always, additions and comments are put in brackets).
- The Defence of Socrates -
"If someone told me: - But are not you ashamed, Socrates, of Essert given a job for which time did you put at risk of dying? - So I would say a good right: - You're wrong, my friend, if you value a man of some value must take into account the life and death. He is in his actions only to consider whether what he does is right or wrong and if it acts as an honest man or evil. According to your reasoning, would be to estimate those little demigods and all the others who died before Troy. [...] And now that God has given me un posto di combattimento, così almeno io credo di dovere interpretare il suo volere, posto di combattimento che è quello di vivere filosofando [il "vivere filosofando" è il vivere secondo una disciplina che fa della filosofia non la ricerca di un sapere astratto, ma una pratica morale che è armonia di pensiero e di azione], esaminando me e gli altri, sarebbe veramente cosa grave se io, per paura della morte o d'altro, disertassi il campo [Socrate ha un senso profondamente religioso della vita, che gli faceva riguardare la personalità di ciascuno come inserita in fini etici superiori dell'umanità e la vita tutta come dovere, al quale non è lecito sottrarsi. Per questo non mirava a sovvertire le leggi o lo Stato, bensì to urge his countrymen not to take care of wealth rather than the soul and virtue]. [...] Since
, or Athenians, the fear of death is nothing more than to be wise without being one, that is to say, believe they know what it is not known, because no one knows whether death, as if afraid that the man already know that the greatest of all evils, rather than being for the greatest good. It is not the most reprehensible ignorance that is the belief of knowing what you do not know? [...] But one thing I know for certain: that doing an injustice and disobey our superior, whether God or man, is evil and shameful. So I never will fear nor flee what we do not know if it's good, but rather the evil that I know that. "
- Socrates was condemned to death -
" Maybe you think, or the Athenians, who have been convicted of no such talks with such disabilities which I could persuade you if I believed that you had to say and do anything to escape condemnation. Not at all! What I failed were not the arguments, but the boldness and audacity and the will not to say things that would have been very pleasant to hear, crying and complaining and doing other things unworthy of me, but to which others had used it. I do not regret that I defended well, and indeed prefer myself so much more readily defended, and die to defend it in that way, and live.
[...] But consider well, O Athenians, that is hard not to avoid death but rather to avoid the evil that comes to us faster than the death [is easier to avoid the death that evil, as weak and vile is man's soul before the instincts and worldly passions, the source of conflicts and wars]. And now I, as late and old, have been achieved by what is later, my accusers, however, as more vigorous and fast, faster than it is, evil. And now I go from here condemned you to die, instead they condemned by truth to be evil and unjust [it is said that the accusers of Socrates have died a violent death. It was rooted in the Greek belief that the evil in this life requires a repair that can be extended to the descendants of those who committed evil]. I accept my punishment, they theirs. He must be so, and I think it is good.
Pokemon Sharpie Cheats
's how to Jailbreak iPhone 4.1 on a 4 IOS, iPhone 3G, iPod 4G and Toch iPad with Limera1n1
Dopo il rilascio di Limera1n per Windows, con grande sorpesa Geohot ha rilasciato anche la versione per Mac. Ricordiamo che Limera1n riesce ad effettuare il Jailbreak di iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G ed iPad in modo Unthedered, ovvero senza dover necessitare di un Mac per poterlo riaccendere.
Dopo il rilascio di Limera1n per Windows, con grande sorpesa Geohot ha rilasciato anche la versione per Mac. Ricordiamo che Limera1n riesce ad effettuare il Jailbreak di iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G ed iPad in modo Unthedered, ovvero senza dover necessitare di un Mac per poterlo riaccendere.
iPhone, 3G, 4G or iPod Touch iPad;
- A Mac
- iOS Insall 4.0 or 4.1 on your device;
- Limera1n, downloadable from its website
- Journal . Guide
The guide is very easy to jailbreak, recalling the previous program Blackra1n. All you have to do is press Jailbreak ed il gioco è fatto !
Dopo aver scaricato il programma, spostatelo sulla Scrivania e eseguitelo.
- Collegate a questo punto il vostro dispositivo al Mac.
- Premete l'unico pulsante presente nella semplice schermata di Limera1n.
Il dispositivo andrà così, momentaneamente in Recovery Mode.
Attendete qualche secondo e dovreste visualizzare una schermata simile a questa, nella quale verrà chiesto di inserire manualmente in dispositivo in DFU.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Potterton Performa 28 How To Set Timer
[EXCLUSIVE MELAFANS] 4G iPod Touch test for you! REDEEM
It is with great pleasure that I announce that prorpio away a few days ago I received my new iPod nano 4G. But we could not make a review of this fantastic device? No, and for this reason that this article will show you from beginning to end all that really is the new iTouch. We remind you that we have always done a review So, I wanted to start immediately clear that, since the first time I held in my hand, I dispsitivo seemed a very stable, but also resistant to external stresses, however, except for a 'one thing: the terminal part of the whole that is more prone to scratches and the back. It is made of stainless steel, but despite what you just really look for scratches. But let's order:
The Desing of this iPod remains essentially that of previous models, although it is thinner and the camber in the back of the 'iPod Touch 2G and 3G is not present in this, ensuring better grip and stability . A little news of this latest model, it is the aesthetic inspiration to 'iPhone 4. We find the two volume keys separated from each other, the power key \\ is now off to the right and far left, we find the camera front and rear. About fotocamenta to find a deeper below. In the pictures below you can see how the device presents in maniera molto elegante:
Oltre che esteticamente, anche a livello di Hardware l'iPod Touch 4G si presenta molto similmente a l' iPhone 4. Troviamo in primo luogo il Retina Display, uno schermo da 3.5 pollici con risoluzione 960x640 (che come spiega Jobs, in un pollice ci sono talmente tanti Pixel, che l'occhio umano non riesce nemmeno a definirli!). Internamente troviamo poi il suo nuovo processore A4 da 1 GHz che combinato ai 256 mb di memoria RAM, garantirà certamente un'ottima esperienza (in tutti i sensi :P). L'ultima delle più importanti novità, è la presenza del chip WiFi 802.11b/g/n, a next-generation chip for a very short loading web. Finally, just to remember, and supports the Nike + Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR.
As you know, this new model, in addition to everything we have just described above, also incorporates two cameras, one front and one rear. The front is designed primarily to make calls through FaceTime, while the back to shoot video in HD (720p). All away, Apple has included on both cameras can also take pictures that despite the 0.8 pixels, are very good in all respects. We found several photos on the Internet / video e abbiamo riportato qui quelli che secondo noi sembravano migliori.
Aspetti negativi
Certo, come ogni cosa anche l' iPod Touch 4G ha i suoi aspetti negativi. Partiamo da quello più evidente: the rear. As mentioned above, even if it is really, really great, just really look for a scratch, and this involves the use of a case. Another flaw is the lack of an FM radio and GPS. Then the other negative aspects of them there as I described in the article, but to remember are: the 'absence of IPS technology and the Speaker with its lack of bass. Conclusions. I would first like to clarify that everything has been said above has been tried and tested by myself. At the end I would say that I think it was a great device, but really in every sense maybe, just maybe, the only thing that really left me a bit 'hesitant is the RAM from 256 mb and not 512. If I had to Rate ... 9 out of 10. I hope you enjoyed the review, and that can serve as a "claim" on its purchase or not.
C'era da aspettarselo che oltre al microfono integrato, Apple aggiungesse anche un doppio Speaker per garantire una riproduzione musicale e video davvero ottima. Anche se sono molto potenti, hanno un aspetto negativo: si nota subito, fin dalla prima riproduzione, la mancanza dei bassi che rendono il suono un po'..." sorround ". 
Aspetti negativi
Certo, come ogni cosa anche l' iPod Touch 4G ha i suoi aspetti negativi. Partiamo da quello più evidente: the rear. As mentioned above, even if it is really, really great, just really look for a scratch, and this involves the use of a case. Another flaw is the lack of an FM radio and GPS. Then the other negative aspects of them there as I described in the article, but to remember are: the 'absence of IPS technology and the Speaker with its lack of bass. Conclusions. I would first like to clarify that everything has been said above has been tried and tested by myself. At the end I would say that I think it was a great device, but really in every sense maybe, just maybe, the only thing that really left me a bit 'hesitant is the RAM from 256 mb and not 512. If I had to Rate ... 9 out of 10. I hope you enjoyed the review, and that can serve as a "claim" on its purchase or not.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Best Memory Card Reader For Magicgate
Dear loyal listeners, here is the already announced a gift of our kind friend by the name of UXO. He, bold mixing of dance music has chosen the final piece of our DVD "COLOURED MEGABAZAR" to indulge his imagination in a remix of its appeal. We take this opportunity therefore to launch a most welcome CONTEST: REMIX MEANS CONFIDENCE .
expressed with a sincere adherence to the remix project Cadeo and, if worthy of winning, you will receive a gift free copy of "COLOURED MEGABAZAR" label on course AA.VV.
Let therefore your links in the comments below that we will carefully select and listen to let go of UXO, emerging name in the scene danceable Milan.
Dear loyal listeners, here is the already announced a gift of our kind friend by the name of UXO. He, bold mixing of dance music has chosen the final piece of our DVD "COLOURED MEGABAZAR" to indulge his imagination in a remix of its appeal. We take this opportunity therefore to launch a most welcome CONTEST: REMIX MEANS CONFIDENCE .
expressed with a sincere adherence to the remix project Cadeo and, if worthy of winning, you will receive a gift free copy of "COLOURED MEGABAZAR" label on course AA.VV.
Let therefore your links in the comments below that we will carefully select and listen to let go of UXO, emerging name in the scene danceable Milan.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Figer Decks For Seal Uk
CONTEST: Win a free copy of iWindRose in esclusivasu MelaFans! IPhone
iWindRose, is an application in the Appstore, developed by Marco Ricca, which allows you to have under control the weather, the wind and know their history, in short a sort of encyclopedia on the Rosa dei Venti. Today, thanks to an exclusive partnership with the developer, we are here to review the application and give you a code Reedem. Application presents itself in style, displaying the compass rose, with a button in the upper right corner through which you can read and understand its history.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Parotid Gland And Alcohol
4: test for you. At one month of purchase
Today we would like you to deal with an issue that really has attracted widespread blogs around the world in this period. We could not even talk about us? In this article we examine all of its features and assessed objectively, without being influenced by terminal type we have in hand. We start now from the materials
The way I see Apple has reached perfection with This iPhone, leaving the plastic in favor of the glass gave the feeling that it was important to a terminal like the iPhone and to crown this perfection, the side completes the brushed metal. The build quality is up to the money spent. Custody or not? I would say just maybe ... a bumper is probably one of the most elegant of the enclosures on the market today.
HW News
With its new A4 that led processor 1 GHz speed and its 512mb of ram, now do anything with iPhone 4 became fast! It has also been greatly improved the speaker for music and speakerphone calls that since the iPhone 2G was the sore point of our beloved melafonino: now is not perfect, but better than MOOLTO installed on previous versions of the iPhone.
Tell the truth: you'd expect that I discussed above the screen right? How could I restrict the discussion on the new Retina Display with 2 lines? What can I say ... AMAZING. If prior to the experience offered by the iPhone 2G was revolutionized and gradually more and better with 3G and then with the 3G, iPhone with this 4 became phenomenal! I dare say that this is a Super-HD screen that offers hot images, sharp and superdefinite. I think that if Apple had only changed the screen on this iPhone, it would more than justify the purchase for those who use the iPhone by massively during the day.
Finally! A battery that a medium to high use of the phone makes you certainly get to the end of the day. He was right now! It has solved the major problem that plagued the older models of iPhone.
quality sound reproduction
few have dealt with this issue. Do you remember the sound pouring out from that magical 3.5 jack on iPod Video? What did you think when you hear the same songs on your previous iDevices? Well, with this new iPhone the sound quality seems much improved over older iDevices, not reaching the levels of the iPOD, but at levels more than satisfactory for music lovers. Hopefully with the next updates software la situazione migliori ulteriormente sperando inoltre che con il prossimo iPhone si ritorni ai vecchi livelli di qualità. Siccome comunque questa questione è a me molto cara vi terrò aggiornati ad ogni miglioramento.
“iPhone 4. Ora cambia tutto. Di nuovo.” – Beh in realtà non è che cambi tutto…ma semplicemente migliora notevolmente per i motivi già citati in precedenza. Tuttavia credo che questo iPhone meriti di essere acquistato da tutti coloro che utilizzano REALMENTE l’iPhone e non per quelli che si sentono “fighi” possedendolo. A voi i commenti...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
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Shatter coming soon! P0sixninja mentions something ... Bumper
Molti di noi are wondering why the universal
As you saw, POsixninja responded to the user with an enigmatic
This, of course, can mean two things: 1 - that tests are well advanced and the tool will be released on Saturday, from which the "yes" of perhaps. 2 - that the tool is still out and the maybe it's good to gain more time, as has already happened in the past.
Here are the other assumptions that go around the network:
1 - Apple has paid salty because hackers do not release the tool.
2 - This tool does not exist and these people are making fun of everyone.
3 - They have created a tool and they advertised, then they realized that does not work and are desperately trying another flaw in the system not to give too bad a picture of himself.
4 - They want to offer an excellent service and safe for our new iPhone 4. Are testing everything carefully and as soon as they secure the proper functioning of the tool, release it.
will keep you updated :-)
Molti di noi are wondering why the universal
jailbreak for firmware 4.1 iOS late so much and now it seems to get a new hope ...
Not many hours ago, the notorious hacker POsixninja posted something really special in reply to a Twitter user asked if it was possible that the tool came out by Saturday.
This, of course, can mean two things: 1 - that tests are well advanced and the tool will be released on Saturday, from which the "yes" of perhaps. 2 - that the tool is still out and the maybe it's good to gain more time, as has already happened in the past.
Here are the other assumptions that go around the network:
1 - Apple has paid salty because hackers do not release the tool.
2 - This tool does not exist and these people are making fun of everyone.
3 - They have created a tool and they advertised, then they realized that does not work and are desperately trying another flaw in the system not to give too bad a picture of himself.
4 - They want to offer an excellent service and safe for our new iPhone 4. Are testing everything carefully and as soon as they secure the proper functioning of the tool, release it.
will keep you updated :-)
Where To Buy Mariano's Frozen Margarita Mix
The iPhone 4 are now available for purchase.
After so many articles about it, we can finally tell you that the Bumper Apple are available for purchase both in stores and through its website
If you remember well, actually, until now the Bumper you were online, but without the ability to purchase. Now you can finally buy at a price of 29 €. And what color will you choose?
After so many articles about it, we can finally tell you that the Bumper Apple are available for purchase both in stores and through its website
on-line, with a conssegna than 24 hours. The Bumper is available either in classic black, which in various colors.
If you remember well, actually, until now the Bumper you were online, but without the ability to purchase. Now you can finally buy at a price of 29 €. And what color will you choose?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Leather Couch Ripped At The Seam
Apple suffers a fine of no less than $ 625 million, for violating three patents.
And with great surprise to inform you that the American court, said Apple guilty for violating three patents belonging to Mirror Words society. We're talking about a quick search for Mac and Spotlight iOS
The amount of each fine, is an impressive $ 209 million, being at one of the highest fines, never imposed in the United States of 'America. Finally, the American media report that Apple has applied for the freezing of two of the fines, because it believes it has "outstanding issues".
And with great surprise to inform you that the American court, said Apple guilty for violating three patents belonging to Mirror Words society. We're talking about a quick search for Mac and Spotlight iOS
, then the display in Landscape of music albums or
CoverFlow, and finally the function Timemichine that allows you to manage backups of your Mac Heel L And Instep Pain
Nokia had already designed the iPhone in 2004!
comes from finland news interesting if a little 'not credible, a former Nokia employee, Ari Hakkarainen, said data from a 2004 project. There is talk of a pre-branded Nokia iPhone, which the employee was similissimo iPhone: a physical key and all that touchscreen! This was two years before the actual iPhone!
Certainly, after all this time is hard to say, "even I had thought." Is it true? Well, we crediamoci, after all the difficulty lies not only in thought and drawn, but in its production and cost. In fact, Nokia has now abandoned the project thinking it impossible to achieve: the costs were extortionate. Chiasso sela poor Apple, all copy, he got the idea that made it famous, from Nokia? It would be the last straw, but perhaps it is right, no one but Apple has yet to produce a smartphone with a touchscreen perfect.
comes from finland news interesting if a little 'not credible, a former Nokia employee, Ari Hakkarainen, said data from a 2004 project. There is talk of a pre-branded Nokia iPhone, which the employee was similissimo iPhone: a physical key and all that touchscreen! This was two years before the actual iPhone!
Certainly, after all this time is hard to say, "even I had thought." Is it true? Well, we crediamoci, after all the difficulty lies not only in thought and drawn, but in its production and cost. In fact, Nokia has now abandoned the project thinking it impossible to achieve: the costs were extortionate. Chiasso sela poor Apple, all copy, he got the idea that made it famous, from Nokia? It would be the last straw, but perhaps it is right, no one but Apple has yet to produce a smartphone with a touchscreen perfect.
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Dear friends, dear friends, fun!
We are pleased to announce the landing of CADEO in the land of Albion: an extensive review of COLOURED MEGABAZAR fact stands out in the latest edition of the prestigious British magazine The Wire . The followers of the queen appears to enjoy of very good television, judging by the satisfaction expressed by our proposal, we do not hesitate to feel like children who engage for the first time with color. Soon new surprises including a remix of fine workmanship by one of our gentle friend, stay tuned!
below the link to the review, good vision
Dear friends, dear friends, fun!
We are pleased to announce the landing of CADEO in the land of Albion: an extensive review of COLOURED MEGABAZAR fact stands out in the latest edition of the prestigious British magazine The Wire . The followers of the queen appears to enjoy of very good television, judging by the satisfaction expressed by our proposal, we do not hesitate to feel like children who engage for the first time with color. Soon new surprises including a remix of fine workmanship by one of our gentle friend, stay tuned!
below the link to the review, good vision
Monday, October 4, 2010
Christopher Columbus Boat Parts
Minigore Halloween Episode: the new update is for arriving Minigore!
John Gore (the protagonist of the play), a stylish dress that plays the piano. It will then also changed the initial image that appears immediately when you open the game. It will be on a much more ancient, and much more sand. Here is a screenshot:
, the most famous shooter in this Appstore, whose goal is simply to survive against the monsters blacks who are attacking us from all sides, will be updated soon with "Halloween Episode
. From what we understand from the title, most likely the update will be released on Halloween. Let's see all the news that significantly improve the game. John Gore (the protagonist of the play), a stylish dress that plays the piano. It will then also changed the initial image that appears immediately when you open the game. It will be on a much more ancient, and much more sand. Here is a screenshot:
How Much Does It Cost To Have A Stomach Balloon
DOTS Glove D217: the gloves are now compatible with iPhone ever more precise!
Brr che freddo, non riesco nemmeno a tenere le mani fuori le tasche. Come uso il mio iPhone in queste situazioni? Nessun problema, perchè oggi vi presentiamo i DOTS Glove D217 i nuovi guanti della gamma DOTS Glove, che sono gli unici guanti veri al mondo, che riescono ad interaggire con lo scermo dell' iPhone, e che riscaldano le nostre gelide mani, allo stesso tempo.
In fact stitched Merino wool, and the ends of the fingers, the filaments are invisible to the naked eye, which enable point, the change of 'energy in our body. I this way, the cold will no longer be a problem. The product is available in different colors and sizes and can be purchased from the manufacturer , to $ 15.50.
Brr che freddo, non riesco nemmeno a tenere le mani fuori le tasche. Come uso il mio iPhone in queste situazioni? Nessun problema, perchè oggi vi presentiamo i DOTS Glove D217 i nuovi guanti della gamma DOTS Glove, che sono gli unici guanti veri al mondo, che riescono ad interaggire con lo scermo dell' iPhone, e che riscaldano le nostre gelide mani, allo stesso tempo.
In fact stitched Merino wool, and the ends of the fingers, the filaments are invisible to the naked eye, which enable point, the change of 'energy in our body. I this way, the cold will no longer be a problem. The product is available in different colors and sizes and can be purchased from the manufacturer , to $ 15.50.
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