Monday, October 25, 2010

Bmx Bike Park Birthday Cakes

Cross and love for art

I do not like self-congratulation. But a degree is still a degree, to heck! So here I am, to give you a "starter" of my dissertation, which focuses on the aesthetics of Benedetto Croce, who did not hesitate a moment to identify as my ideal philosopher (although it is aware of the wishful thinking that there is behind the idealization and emulation: we always end up chasing someone, inevitably, will never achieve).

extract that soon I will propose is an excerpt from a work of 1933, "The poesia", in cui Croce riesamina e puntualizza i concetti fondamentali della sua estetica (che troverete riepilogati sinteticamente nella mia tesi, ovviamente se ne avrete voglia). Croce prende in considerazione il famigerato luogo comune dell' "arte per l'arte", ovvero dell'amore disinteressato che ogni artista dovrebbe avere rispetto al proprio ufficio sacro : l'espressione. Tuttavia, ed è un'altra lezione che ho imparato da Croce, nulla di quello che gli uomini fanno è veramente disinteressato: laddove non c'è un minimo di guadagno personale, statene certi, chiunque gira al largo! Anche la solidarietà implica un'attrattiva individuale, quale può essere l'intima gratificazione per chi la fa...Infine, let me define the parallel sublime cross between love and artistic expression. And 'perhaps one of the things that struck me most of the philosophy of the Cross: his thoughts, to everyone in terms of linearity and simplicity, are set with small gems enrich his poetic speculation without weighing it down, even further clarified. But it's time to talk about "our" Cross

- Art for art -

"The poetic expression of love can pierce the object of worship and love and be treated no more as an expression, but as something that is sought for, by, as they say, art for art's sake.
Like any love, this has also founded on the reality of a need, and, in his case, of poetic expression, but like any love takes place beyond, and even without and against, satisfying the original need. So how do you love, and love seriously, women who do not have any desire to own, feeling that would be lost possession in the best or all of the love and the spell will break.

[...] But, pausing for poetic expressions of love, it, like any other love, and the contact for the presence of the beloved, and therefore you worship and practice of those expressions, not only without anything of their own to transform into beauty. Something similar is found in the circle of thought, where we sometimes toyed with the thought for thought, that the logic for logic, as in the case of sharpness and riddles, and partly in the subtleties that likes to multiply , of the detailed and lengthy arguments superfluous like to play in all their steps, enjoying his own cleverness, and pull far enough to mention.

love and look for things such poetic expressions or (here is the same) as people try to say the pictures off their relationship, detached and abstract, and caress and admire them and stop them in articulate sounds, attending to the perfection of each of them. That is what you see in the pages of the virtuous art for art, so perfect in every detail to move forward and discomfort in the spirit of a poet, who is ready to throw away all to express themselves "without perfection" (ie very different from that perfection ). Why so much emphasis in each image, no art in that way that all the fund collects and mitigate the fund that could only generate a poetic life, and only give them size and proportions. It not only lacks the poetic background, but also the other forms in which literature and various content that is extrapoetico [ie, passions, impulses, interests of the artist as a man]. They are however, those individual images as idols, which he [or pseudo-artista, quello cultore della sola forma, destinato per questo a rinchiudersi nella più totale autorefenzialità] plasma e adora.

Per questa via s'intende anche in qual modo si venga determinando una sorta di teoria dell' "arte per l'arte" a uso di quei critici che pretendono di trovare e spiegare la bellezza di un verso, che è bellezza spirituale [ovvero nella vita, nella contingenza, nella concreta ed ineludibile necessità di esprimersi che l'artista sente quando è gravido di ispirazione], nei suoni per sè, negli accenti, nei ritmi, nella "musica", come la sogliono chiamare, dimostrando, in questo lor dire, scarsa stima, non tanto della poesia, quanto della musica stessa. [...] In questi casi difetta l'amore e, con l'amore, la capacità di dare alle proprie opere quella verità e quella bellezza che pur sono in grado di conseguire. L'arte per l'arte non è che un innamoramento tra gli altri innamoramenti, una servitù d'amore tra le altre servitù d'amore".


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