Friday, October 1, 2010

Adjust Carburetor On Mcculloch Strimmer

Device anti-iPad: l'HP HURRICANE [Parte 2]

Which brings us to the second round of our section on competitors iPad. Today, I speak of the tablet, the HP still quite mysterious: the Hurricane.

This new tablet comes dall'unine HP and Palm, bought for the modest sum of $ 1.2 billion. The former model with built-in keyboard and tablet SO Windows7 (Slate) has already been abandoned for the new version like iPad, Palm webOS. "The Hurricane" has only a possibility and could wipe out the iPad and earn a slice of the market or just go, leave so much mess behind him and disappearing, as many have done.
remains the fact that to beat Apple with its iPad 1,000,000 sold in less than a month will be tough.

Here are five reasons why it might work: 1-
Adobe Flash
, while Apple continues its policy of exclusion of flash, the other platforms such as Android and Palm are working webOS with Adobe to develop a lighter version of Flash. It is true that HTML5 will
Sistema del futuro, ma finchè la metà dei siti web sarà visualizzabile soltanto con Flash, quest'ultimo sarà utile.
2-Le macchine foto
, è vero che siamo vicinissimi all'uscita del nuovo iPad2, che dobrebbe implementare FaceTime, con la fotocamera frontale, oltre a tante altre novità, ma la versione attuale non ha nessun tipo di fotocamera, che può essere usata per video-conferenze di lavoro, chat, Skype... L'HURRICANE NE AVRÀ 2!

3-Elasticità ed espandibilità della memoria, della condivisione di documenti e delle porte di collegamento esterno. Per chi usa l'iPad per lavoro è veramente difficile scambiarsi documenti e file, since you have to go to iTunes to any action. The SD card is missing for the same reason: you can not use anything instead of USB.

4-The distribution of the HP tablet is greatly facilitated by the fact that HP has a lot of riseller pc, which outfitted HURRICANE, may advertise and offer the new product easily. In addition it significantly lowers the price of distribution and logistics. If HP is able to make a good product sales are likely to be high.

5- name, Apple is known worldwide for its refined products, perfect, advanced, but also HP, the top PC manufacturers worldwide, has a very good name, a new HP branded tablet looks good for sure.


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