Thursday, December 24, 2009

Does Masterbation Cause Herpes Outbreak?


Dear friends,
and announced the long awaited Christmas present by CADEO arrived, punctual as Santa Claus! Light the fireplace, place the gifts under the tree, wear a warm sweater and gently press the "play" in a few seconds out of your speakers you will hear something frankly Christmas.
This suite of nearly 11 minutes (a clear symbolic meaning) warm intimacy of your living room decorated, better than a log of wood, and within minutes your armchair feel like a coach, your dogs seem reindeers, and your ceiling will be transformed into a starry night!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Hooray for fall!

<a href=""> CADEO_251209_bonus.track by CADEO </a>

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Congratulating For Someone Having Baby

For the avoidance of doubt, WE TAKE THE GAP

intervene with a flash, to distance.
For now, thanks for the sympathy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Build A Miniature Castle


We are not returned empty handed from Cologno Monzese, dear friends ... The
CADEO gave us a copy of their new video, which will be in rotation on most popular platforms broadcast from next week, is a work of very fine shot by Various Authors, the collective of video makers in most of the moment. We think of BJM summarizes very effectively the poetics of falls: a spot of old items for the home gym "AMERIKA STAR" is transformed gradually into a trap hypnotic, and tips for shopping becomes a spiral staircase to a cathodic hell of bliss.

Pelvis Cystic Structure


As we announced in recent weeks, we met CADEO for an exclusive interview.
We have reached the duo in its exclusive collection of Cologno Monzese, location symbol of what has already been dubbed the stage hypno-Fininvest, and in a festive atmosphere of great excitement, we talked about the hard COLOURED MEGABAZAR and we turned to Fanny and Cesare "your" questions (to get to our magazine via the initiative participatory launched last week).

In short, we tried to find out more about what promises to be the musical phenomenon of the end of 2009, and perhaps the entire 2010: it was not easy for the truth. The group maintains a rather elusive approach towards the media and prefers to concentrate on producing great music rather than on trade promotion: but after the first Fanny and Cesare approach prove [...]


My question to the falls and the following: you are planning live performances to promote the album?

FANNY: Yes. It will be a multimedia show based audio-video interaction. We feel we can say that our music can not 'be separated from the images and even to us who we play. We're planning some dates in England but is still too early to formally notify the dates.

how many years do music? you have side projects?
FANNY: Yes, several parallel projects. We do this work for many years, but on our past we prefer to maintain strict secrecy.

Hello dear Cadeo
wanted to know if you are going to build the right camp for your enemies
thanks for any reply!

FANNY: ahaha funny question. You will not need, I think more 'than anything else if they built themselves, the lager. Which are primarily due to a mental and private newspapers of good television.

how to live with the idiocy of human and especially southerners? already .. how can you bear the Calabrian or stampa che si piega a "certe" logiche?
FANNY: La stampa, soprattutto musicale, in questo paese conta come il due di picche. E' gente prezzolata che appena dice cio' che realmente pensa chiude i battenti dopo una telefonata del padrone.

io volevo sapere che tipo di strumentazione usate, sembrano strumenti vintage per il loro suono eccezionale!

FANNY: il nostro set è composto da una 606 e da un sintetizzatore analogico ELKA SYNTHEX del 1984, piu' un paio di chorus autocostruiti. Niente di piu' niente di meno, la semplicità innanzitutto.

come vi ponete nei confronti della scena Italiana? avete qualche gruppo di riferimento italiano e/o straniero?

FANNY: the Italian scene, unfortunately, we see nothing like us. The only quote that we feel is Luigi Tonet, but it goes back to the seventies-eighties and is for us the Maestro.Fuori Italy I personally am referring to Astromill and another master of the genre, Ron Hays.

Cadeo wanted to ask what they see as the reason for such mediocre music in Italy and as a result of a mediocre music press.

FANNY: I think the reason is the over-academic style, the nerdismo and the fact that the music press hype and the search for sostanza.Principalmente pero 'music journalists of today Skippa pieces instead of listening to them. And 'the immorality of recorded music low quality (mp3).

I would like to ask what they think of this hypngogic pop and especially where it exits out.

FANNY: Well the hypnop is a subgenre of electronic music that comes when one experiences with the Fairlight in its two greatest expressions, namely music and video.Supporto key to this revolution is the laser also disc.Mettiamoci The Paik-Abe videosynthesizer.Possiamo see it as a projection of jean micheal jarre in an ocean of reverb mixed solar flanger? We also say yes.

to Cadeo I would ask those who are primarily ke I have not understood and many old are they?
FANNY: two of us and we are in listening range between twenty and thirty years. The best age to change the world.

not think there is a risk of autoghettizzazione behind certain "nostalgia operations"? An inspiration for so tied to an imaginary set is not likely to soon become sterile? A
salutone complimneti and for the hard

FANNY: dear friend thanks for the complimenti.Non think that it can become sterile earth, let alone an imaginary balance that remains in our hearts as the seed planted in terreno.Ci are many suggestions from which to draw when it comes to the epic of private television stations.

Voi sfruttate l'immagine e il nome di un personaggio pubblico, volto noto della tivu che ha anche avuto incarichi politici: non temete ritorsioni legali?
FANNY: Usiamo un nome scelto dal pubblico e non da noi, quindi semmai dovrebbero processare il popolo

qual'è il vostro rapporto con il pubblico? perchè le vostre canzoni non hanno i testi?
FANNY: il nostro rapporto col pubblico è trasparente e partecipativo.Possiamo dire che le canzoni le fanno loro. In quanto ai testi forse non hai ascoltato la traccia 3 , c'è un testo minimale ma intellegibile

a 40 anni non è troppo tardi per fare i coglioni 24h al dì? un lavoro no eh?
FANNY: The question is a bit 'stupid: our job is to make music, it would be like saying to a bricklayer who does his work or a housewife who does his duty. As to the hilt in this country need to do is resent paying jobs for spezzrsi the back or simply to make life choices. Unlike many who sit comfortably in front of a screen in the office, steal the money of taxpayers. I guess you mean the last category, but calmly ask that you return for a more 'serious.

about it .. how much work it takes to manufacture such a musical gem?

guess a lot of time there are self-financed or sponsored some established company?

FANNY: to design a masterpiece that takes months and months of study. To realize the other hand we are very fast, there just a week of construction and is generally what people expect from noi.Lavoriamo instinctively, as Erasmus of Rotterdam. It was not easy and it is not easy, believe me, make a music like this because in Italy there is no know-how for production hypnagogica.Nessun company is sponsoring us with a few donations from individuals who believe in our work.

evaluated as the casinos that are happening in Italy? attacks on the will of the people, magistrates cacacazzi, trans burned alive. Who's next?
FANNY: It 's a very delicate moment. all this violence is not a signal that we move away from the path of the musical entertainment and television veering towards a desire for black macabre images. We humbly seek to show a way out of terrorism, which regularly comes into our homes.

progettoo who is behind this? is rumored to be a sort of open group and Cisiano big names in the middle of the pop scene in Milan? in short, the residents are Italian?

FANNY: indeed there is some name of the scene in Milan, in particular the Italian, but I can not say more 'for contractual reasons. The comparison is definitely out with Residents place. If anything, we have something in common with the early Yello appreciate that but they are not reference names.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Is The Meaning Of Swollen Breasts?


Dear friends, to meet the growing demand we have decided, in agreement with CADEO to put at your disposal, here on the blog, excerpts MEGABAZAR by colorful, thanks to new advanced features this tool, we can get them at home even in an uncompressed format (no mp3)!
Just click directly on the player board page to listen to the hypnotic third track on the disc, presented here in short version of the promo. Otherwise it will simply log
at / cadeopop to listen the entire album, alas, to poor quality.
With this act of transparency, we hope to have put an end to all speculations and deceptions that have led in recent days to a real flood of "fake discs falls" through the most popular platforms for sharing.
Last but not least, we meet in the coming hours CADEO, just in the studio where they are working on their first official video, and will post the interview that we have pre-announced, you will not be here to send us your questions! hurry up!
all for now, stay tuned.

Staff Writer

<a href=""> COLORATISSIMO_MEGABAZAR_track_03 by CADEO </a>

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ohio License Branches

cistite e Waterfall D-Mannosio

The symptoms of cystitis.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, often caused by infections affecting the urinary tract.
The urinary tract is a system that conducts urine through two ducts called ureters from the kidney to the bladder that acts as a reservoir. The urine is emitted outside through a short duct called urethra when urinating.
The symptoms of cystitis are usually :
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • pain and burning in the act of urination
  • suprapubic pain accompanied by the sensation of not emptying the bladder
  • Need continued to urinate
  • Sometimes blood in the urine
  • Turbidity urine

E 'might point out that in case of cystitis the symptoms listed above may have all or only some .

Perchè ad essere colpite dalla cistite sono spesso le donne ?

Il fattore di predisposizione determinante delle donne nell'insorgenza di cistite è semplicemente anatomico. Nella donna , l'uretra è molto più corta rispetto a quella dell'uomo , e quindi oppone una minore difficoltà all'agressione . Và inoltre considerata la sua vicinanza al retto non certo favorevole , poichè da questo, batteri provenienti dall'intestino ( normali commensali in quel distretto ) , risalgono le vie urinarie e diventano in questa sede patogeni .

Waterfall D-Mannose and treatment of cystitis.

Assuming that in case of cystitis is always advisable to consult your doctor, we propose to describe a treatment that actually helps effectively and above the normal antibiotic therapy prevents the onset of recurrences.
Anyone who has had an episode of cystitis knows the painful symptoms and their impact on everyday life and sex of a person.
cystitis may also cause serious complications infections of the kidney and bladder complications, or coexist with a fungal infection from Candida albicans, which may arise following an antibiotic treatment, in consequence, a reduction of the immune system and a metabolic alteration.
About 50% of women have had in their lives at least one urinary tract infection, approximately 10% have recurrent infections, often resistant to treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics.
repeated antibiotic therapy over time does not represent an ideal solution to recurrent urinary infections: often develops resistance to broad-spectrum antibiotics by bacteria (E. Coli is the type more frequent but not only) and the body may also be side effects of these antibiotics.
Two British researchers, Anna McNamara and John Bremmer, have produced an alternative to traditional antibiotic therapy, introducing a new market-based therapy Waterfall D-Mannose.

What is Waterfall D-Mannose?

D-Mannose is a natural and completely harmless substance, a gliconutriente normally present even in the cells of our body.
The Waterfall D-Mannose is a 100% pure and natural, made from the fermentation of larch and extracted using a process of photosynthesis.
There are different types of mannose, but only the D-Mannose has the property to bind to receptors of the bacterium Helicobacter Coli, unlike other forms of mannose.
in the extraction process does not use any solvent, the product is guaranteed 100% natural, no additives, preservatives, excipients, emulsifiers or other carbohydrates.

How does the Waterfall D-Mannose?

British researchers have found that D-mannose, a monosaccharide isomer of glucose, has the strong tendency to bind to receptors (lectins) found in fimbriae of the bacteria E . Coli, the cause of 90 & urinary infections.
Normally, these receptors bind to mannose present in the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract and urinary tract.
Meeting the free molecules of D-Mannose in the urine, the E. coli will bind, creating the complex shapes bacterium + D-Mannose And are more easily eliminated in the urine in the act of emptying the bladder, instead of lurking in the mucosa of the bladder wall by binding to mannose present in it.

How to Use Waterfall D-Mannose

D-Mannose is taken after measurement of urine pH with litmus paper, and must be between 7 and 8 (about 7.5) or weakly alkaline.
Since urinary pH is usually acid, alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate is obtained (or Basenpulver or Citropiperazina), initially 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, then the dose is then adjusted depending on the pH detected with litmus paper.
Once alkalinization of urine, the D-Mannose is taken at a dose of one tablespoon (coffee) 3 or 4 times a day, in a glass or a cup of water or fruit juice ( CRANBERRY ORANGE OR NOT) and especially between meals.
taking the next hour drinking, in order to enable the D-Mannose to arrive in the district and in the amount of effectiveness.
past 45 minutes / 1 hour of drinking plenty of D-Mannose and then urinate.
This eliminates the D-mannose linked to E. coli, having given substance to the time to act.

Treatment of cystitis in the acute phase.

A teaspoonful every three hours until a final disappearance of the disorder, and urocultura consulting your doctor. Then continue with maintenance doses for the next 3 days.

Cystitis linked to sexual intercourse.

A possible cause of the occurrence of cystitis may be sexual intercourse (honeymoon cystitis).
In these cases, especially for people predisposed to the onset of cystitis can help estimate the use of D-Mannose. Even in this case recommended medical advice about it.
Theoretically it should take a teaspoon of D-Mannose 1 hour before intercourse in a glass of water. Also, theoretically, they should urinate before and after the report, taking a second teaspoon of D-Mannose after the report, continuing for three days by taking every 4 hours, finally passing to the maintenance dose.

Warning: in diseases causing intestinal malabsorption such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease and intestinal parasites, the use of D-Mannose may be ineffective.
not, nor is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus (although of course it should be used carefully controlling your blood sugar), or in childhood, where, however, doses should be adjusted

Side effects: There are no known side effects, but new research has highlighted the fact that as the bacterium E. coli attaches to tissue cells using mannose receptors, so the D-Mannose around preventing the sperm join the egg.
This means that assuming the Waterfall D-Mannose regularly reduces the chances of conception. Of what should furthermore be over extended periods.
occasionally taking high doses, there has been a reduction of stool consistency, if you suspect that the D-Mannose may be the cause is good to try to withdraw.

Waterfall D-Mannose and Hydra 7 .

The Waterfall D-Mannose synergize with Fatty Acids Omega 7 sea buckthorn to improve the natural defenses and to combat the chronic and recurring infections of the urinary tract.

The Waterfall D-Mannose is a garrison nutraceutical that bacterial binding to specific sites (mannose binding lectin), prevents adhesion of uropathogenic bacteria to the mucous urinary tract and helps to eliminate germs through urinary flow.

His eccesionale and effective mechanism to strengthen the natural defenses against biological and urinary tract infections, also has the advantage of not inducing bacterial resistance that may occur when antibiotic treatments for a long period.

recurrent infections, however, in addition to cases of bacterial resistance, are favored by the short female urethra, a natural location for this anatomical female urethra.

E 'to say that even the genital secretions contribute to the body's natural defenses and may have qualitative or quantitative changes that indirectly facilitate infection.
We are talking about such subjects hypoestrogenism or in menopause, in which, in addition to a reduced secretion (dry) are superimposed phenomena of sub-atrophic or atrophic vaginal mucosa.

And then to emphasize that if the Waterfall D-Mannose is able to implement the natural defenses in the main front with 's E. coli, Omega 7 is capable of reandere the mucosal barrier and Secrett more resistant to bacterial insults.

Omega 7 : derived from sea buckthorn berries, shrubs or widespread in the Nordic countries, contains a set of bioactive nursing. The fatty acids contained in it Are obtained with a CO2 supercritical extraction technology (Aromtech) and consisted mainly of the Omega 7 (Palmitolenico acid and cis-acid vaccine), which have the peculiar property of regenerating the membranes of epithelial cells and mucous membranes.
to synergize with those described above are also Lacis linolenic (Omega 3) linoleic acid (Omega 6) and oleic acid (Omega 9), as well as carotenoids and tocopherols and phytosterols. The combination of these nutrients, which has a broad spectrum of capabilities in general, exercise is particularly useful when the "locus minoris resistentiae "Is the urogenital tract, bringing the following benefits:

  • Reinforcement of natural barriers (cell membranes, mucosal epithelium)
  • modulation of the immune response
  • Mucoregolazione, improvement of trophic and genital dryness, enhancing the protective barrier against bacterial colonization of intestinal coli.
  • anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protective action on mucosal cells
  • Prevention and treatment of recurrent infections of the urogenital tract.
How to use Hydra 7 with D-Mannose.

  1. In chronic cystitis starting a combined treatment with Omega 7 and Waterfall D-Mannose
  2. Omega 7 is to be taken at a dose of 2 pearls meals (2 times a day) for 15 days. then continuing with a pearl with meals (2 times a day) for 30 days.
  3. In the case of reduced secretion or vaginal dryness continue with the dosaggio di mantenimento a cicli di 15/20 giorni al mese.
  4. Nel caso di cistiti recidivanti , fare il trattamento di attacco e ripetere il trattamento al dosaggio di una perla ( 2 volte al giorno ) per 2 mesi e per almeno 3 volte all'anno.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Metallic Taste In Mouth And Mirena

NEWS FLASH: awarded the "CASTOR OIL" in November 2009

an exciting time in the photo of the award

Dear friends, dear friends, we are pleased to announce

the prestigious award CASTOR OIL for the month of November has been awarded to:


The jury, composed of a prestigious signature of Italian music journalism (who chose to remain anonymous) has delivered on after verdict few hours of deliberation. The reasons for this endowment are:

estrema capacità di analisi
apertura al confronto
lucida visione della realtà musicale odierna
capacità di rimanere indipendente nonostante tutto
grande abilità nel tenere le redini dei propri sottomessi
e, dulcis in fundo, alti meriti nella divulgazione delle novità giovanili.

E' tutto, amici. Grazie per la simpatia, e alla prossima puntata!

La redazione

Friday, November 6, 2009

2001 Mustang Spark Plug Diagram

Received and Published: micromusic vs JOURNALISM price.The

Cari amici,
riceviamo e pubblichiamo la lettera aperta che un gentile amico anonimo ci invia a proposito della querelle che da giorni infiamma il web, divide il pubblico e spacca le famiglie. La micromusic è roba da pipparoli? Lasciamo cantare la carta, con grande serenità:

Carissimo giulio andreotti di donna e redazione di FREAKOUT

Non abbiamo il piacere di conoscerci di persona : sono Dj Scheisse una metà dei Micropupazzo. Mi chiamo anche Stefano, cosi' non mi fai la pippa del nome d'arte.
Mi è arrivato questo link a proposito della recensione del disco di Cobol Pongide: bella pero', ha stile.
Ora il fatto che non ti piaccia il disco non è un problema, ma parlare della Micromusic tutta come roba fatta da pipparoli che non vanno da nessuna parte è davvero risibile.
A parte l'analisi delirante sul genere (limitato sul nascere ecc), penso che un giornalista serio dovrebbe documentarsi e non raccontare stronzate.
Appunto perchè gli strumenti a disposizione sono limitati, si inventano circuit bendings e modifiche spaziali in modo che essi diano il massimo in termini di suono e di progettazione. Ti pare poco? Che un atari del cazzo suoni come un synth da 4000 euro ti sembri una stronzata da pipparoli mi pare davvero singolare.Poi a dirla tutta si usano anche softwares e trackers quindi non sono tutti dei periti elettronici in pensione. Magari sono i brani musicali che non funzionano, ma quello riguarda le sette note ed è un altro paio di maniche e le cagate trascendono, come ben sappiamo, i generi.
Ho solo tre nomi da citarti : Dj scotch egg , Passenger of shit e Ymck, Sexy Synthetizer pure, va. Avrei un elenco di altri nomi della madonna. E qui the composition is sublime, the pieces are there, the innovation as well.
bought their records maybe, instead of downloading like a nerd pulciaro.
This is the future and the present world, but clearly the trend "magnaspaghetti" remains firmly in the mind of the average Italian journalist whom I consider you to be: I am referring primarily to the author at this time of the review, this DANIELE BLADE
I sound modesty aside for a long time in Europe and around the Micromusic if it were a ghetto would not have ranked Lady Sovereign which samples the tetris and miss the Crystal Castles that I find very formal as they are now a mass phenomenon. Maybe you were going to hit the 8-bit Purism, and here I could give you reason, but the problem is that 8 bit is not only that, you know how many people in the world is this stuff? We want emphasized the difference with poor vision or to say that 90 percent of micromusic are pipparoli?? It 's like saying that Guitar Wolf are shit because they play garage punk is a genre dead is absurd is not it? Back to
instead of women: carissmo, the fact that you have had the Atari is not a guarantee that you will be able to understand this music. Me it just shows that probed the difficulty of making a commercial phenomenon you have branded no ifs, ands or buts although you boast of having been the promoter, a strange case of dissociation that is typical of the infamous. You mai chiesto se questo insuccesso fosse dovuto alla tua INCAPACITA' di produttore? Semplicemente ti sei rotto le palle della Micromusic : e allora? che vuoi da noi? ascoltati l'emocore e pace.
Io sono stato il primo a fare un microevent in italia e continuo a suonare questa musica e a seguire l'evoluzione della scena che, ti piaccia o no, continua a sperimentare in modo fruttoso e lo mette in culo a te e a tutti voi.
In poche parole la prossima volta cerca di non fare figuracce mondiali, lo dico per te e per la tua carriera.
Ah volevo anche dirti che sei un coglione e che il vostro magazine è uno schifo: sai chiedo e pretendo la massima libertà di espressione , come ben mi insegni.
alla prossima e grazie per la simpatia

for further details: # / Note.php? Note_id = 329382430650 & id = 1154131732 & ref = nf We

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bushnell Spotsman 4-12x40

URNS CLOSED: Woe to the vanquished

The moment of truth has come.
the polls closed, ended the great experiment in democracy, it's time to proclaim the winner. Here are the percentages, no appeal: 36%


19 30% 16

Fininvest jugend
21% 11% 8

formula five preferences

Telemilano 2

The winner, with a significant margin on the runner-up:


Stay tuned for the awards. The editors

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Nose Looks Fine In A Mirror


E 'with joy and that we return emoziuone to animate these pages to report commendable initiative and participation: the primaries of the "Italian way" to hypnagogic pop. The prize for the winner is substantial: 5000 € in cash made available by a mysterious foundation with headquarters in Palazzo Giustiniani. But let us speak bando:

Friday, May 1, 2009

What Do Dental Hygienist Wear

New contest: "OIL CASTOR "

Segnalateci oppure inviateci il vostro materiale in qualsiasi formato. Una prestigiosa firma del giornalismo musicale (che ha scelto di restare anonima) assegnerà ogni mese l'ambito premio "OLIO DI RICINO 2009" ad uno di voi.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Morrowind Translation Patch

Start of transmissions: a clear editorial line and outspoken

Intaccheremo rendite di posizione e prebende, turberemo sonni tranquilli e scomoderemo i defunti, ma soprattutto riporteremo il giornalismo musicale nel suo luogo elettivo: il ring.

Graduation Hairstyles For 8th Grade

BLOWJOB MAGAZINNE_TV BORN TODAY, THE MUSICAL ASSAULT VIDEOBLOG who refuse to compromise or bending to" certain "logic ...

Lavori in corso