Monday, November 16, 2009

Ohio License Branches

cistite e Waterfall D-Mannosio

The symptoms of cystitis.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, often caused by infections affecting the urinary tract.
The urinary tract is a system that conducts urine through two ducts called ureters from the kidney to the bladder that acts as a reservoir. The urine is emitted outside through a short duct called urethra when urinating.
The symptoms of cystitis are usually :
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • pain and burning in the act of urination
  • suprapubic pain accompanied by the sensation of not emptying the bladder
  • Need continued to urinate
  • Sometimes blood in the urine
  • Turbidity urine

E 'might point out that in case of cystitis the symptoms listed above may have all or only some .

Perchè ad essere colpite dalla cistite sono spesso le donne ?

Il fattore di predisposizione determinante delle donne nell'insorgenza di cistite è semplicemente anatomico. Nella donna , l'uretra è molto più corta rispetto a quella dell'uomo , e quindi oppone una minore difficoltà all'agressione . Và inoltre considerata la sua vicinanza al retto non certo favorevole , poichè da questo, batteri provenienti dall'intestino ( normali commensali in quel distretto ) , risalgono le vie urinarie e diventano in questa sede patogeni .

Waterfall D-Mannose and treatment of cystitis.

Assuming that in case of cystitis is always advisable to consult your doctor, we propose to describe a treatment that actually helps effectively and above the normal antibiotic therapy prevents the onset of recurrences.
Anyone who has had an episode of cystitis knows the painful symptoms and their impact on everyday life and sex of a person.
cystitis may also cause serious complications infections of the kidney and bladder complications, or coexist with a fungal infection from Candida albicans, which may arise following an antibiotic treatment, in consequence, a reduction of the immune system and a metabolic alteration.
About 50% of women have had in their lives at least one urinary tract infection, approximately 10% have recurrent infections, often resistant to treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics.
repeated antibiotic therapy over time does not represent an ideal solution to recurrent urinary infections: often develops resistance to broad-spectrum antibiotics by bacteria (E. Coli is the type more frequent but not only) and the body may also be side effects of these antibiotics.
Two British researchers, Anna McNamara and John Bremmer, have produced an alternative to traditional antibiotic therapy, introducing a new market-based therapy Waterfall D-Mannose.

What is Waterfall D-Mannose?

D-Mannose is a natural and completely harmless substance, a gliconutriente normally present even in the cells of our body.
The Waterfall D-Mannose is a 100% pure and natural, made from the fermentation of larch and extracted using a process of photosynthesis.
There are different types of mannose, but only the D-Mannose has the property to bind to receptors of the bacterium Helicobacter Coli, unlike other forms of mannose.
in the extraction process does not use any solvent, the product is guaranteed 100% natural, no additives, preservatives, excipients, emulsifiers or other carbohydrates.

How does the Waterfall D-Mannose?

British researchers have found that D-mannose, a monosaccharide isomer of glucose, has the strong tendency to bind to receptors (lectins) found in fimbriae of the bacteria E . Coli, the cause of 90 & urinary infections.
Normally, these receptors bind to mannose present in the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract and urinary tract.
Meeting the free molecules of D-Mannose in the urine, the E. coli will bind, creating the complex shapes bacterium + D-Mannose And are more easily eliminated in the urine in the act of emptying the bladder, instead of lurking in the mucosa of the bladder wall by binding to mannose present in it.

How to Use Waterfall D-Mannose

D-Mannose is taken after measurement of urine pH with litmus paper, and must be between 7 and 8 (about 7.5) or weakly alkaline.
Since urinary pH is usually acid, alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate is obtained (or Basenpulver or Citropiperazina), initially 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, then the dose is then adjusted depending on the pH detected with litmus paper.
Once alkalinization of urine, the D-Mannose is taken at a dose of one tablespoon (coffee) 3 or 4 times a day, in a glass or a cup of water or fruit juice ( CRANBERRY ORANGE OR NOT) and especially between meals.
taking the next hour drinking, in order to enable the D-Mannose to arrive in the district and in the amount of effectiveness.
past 45 minutes / 1 hour of drinking plenty of D-Mannose and then urinate.
This eliminates the D-mannose linked to E. coli, having given substance to the time to act.

Treatment of cystitis in the acute phase.

A teaspoonful every three hours until a final disappearance of the disorder, and urocultura consulting your doctor. Then continue with maintenance doses for the next 3 days.

Cystitis linked to sexual intercourse.

A possible cause of the occurrence of cystitis may be sexual intercourse (honeymoon cystitis).
In these cases, especially for people predisposed to the onset of cystitis can help estimate the use of D-Mannose. Even in this case recommended medical advice about it.
Theoretically it should take a teaspoon of D-Mannose 1 hour before intercourse in a glass of water. Also, theoretically, they should urinate before and after the report, taking a second teaspoon of D-Mannose after the report, continuing for three days by taking every 4 hours, finally passing to the maintenance dose.

Warning: in diseases causing intestinal malabsorption such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease and intestinal parasites, the use of D-Mannose may be ineffective.
not, nor is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus (although of course it should be used carefully controlling your blood sugar), or in childhood, where, however, doses should be adjusted

Side effects: There are no known side effects, but new research has highlighted the fact that as the bacterium E. coli attaches to tissue cells using mannose receptors, so the D-Mannose around preventing the sperm join the egg.
This means that assuming the Waterfall D-Mannose regularly reduces the chances of conception. Of what should furthermore be over extended periods.
occasionally taking high doses, there has been a reduction of stool consistency, if you suspect that the D-Mannose may be the cause is good to try to withdraw.

Waterfall D-Mannose and Hydra 7 .

The Waterfall D-Mannose synergize with Fatty Acids Omega 7 sea buckthorn to improve the natural defenses and to combat the chronic and recurring infections of the urinary tract.

The Waterfall D-Mannose is a garrison nutraceutical that bacterial binding to specific sites (mannose binding lectin), prevents adhesion of uropathogenic bacteria to the mucous urinary tract and helps to eliminate germs through urinary flow.

His eccesionale and effective mechanism to strengthen the natural defenses against biological and urinary tract infections, also has the advantage of not inducing bacterial resistance that may occur when antibiotic treatments for a long period.

recurrent infections, however, in addition to cases of bacterial resistance, are favored by the short female urethra, a natural location for this anatomical female urethra.

E 'to say that even the genital secretions contribute to the body's natural defenses and may have qualitative or quantitative changes that indirectly facilitate infection.
We are talking about such subjects hypoestrogenism or in menopause, in which, in addition to a reduced secretion (dry) are superimposed phenomena of sub-atrophic or atrophic vaginal mucosa.

And then to emphasize that if the Waterfall D-Mannose is able to implement the natural defenses in the main front with 's E. coli, Omega 7 is capable of reandere the mucosal barrier and Secrett more resistant to bacterial insults.

Omega 7 : derived from sea buckthorn berries, shrubs or widespread in the Nordic countries, contains a set of bioactive nursing. The fatty acids contained in it Are obtained with a CO2 supercritical extraction technology (Aromtech) and consisted mainly of the Omega 7 (Palmitolenico acid and cis-acid vaccine), which have the peculiar property of regenerating the membranes of epithelial cells and mucous membranes.
to synergize with those described above are also Lacis linolenic (Omega 3) linoleic acid (Omega 6) and oleic acid (Omega 9), as well as carotenoids and tocopherols and phytosterols. The combination of these nutrients, which has a broad spectrum of capabilities in general, exercise is particularly useful when the "locus minoris resistentiae "Is the urogenital tract, bringing the following benefits:

  • Reinforcement of natural barriers (cell membranes, mucosal epithelium)
  • modulation of the immune response
  • Mucoregolazione, improvement of trophic and genital dryness, enhancing the protective barrier against bacterial colonization of intestinal coli.
  • anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protective action on mucosal cells
  • Prevention and treatment of recurrent infections of the urogenital tract.
How to use Hydra 7 with D-Mannose.

  1. In chronic cystitis starting a combined treatment with Omega 7 and Waterfall D-Mannose
  2. Omega 7 is to be taken at a dose of 2 pearls meals (2 times a day) for 15 days. then continuing with a pearl with meals (2 times a day) for 30 days.
  3. In the case of reduced secretion or vaginal dryness continue with the dosaggio di mantenimento a cicli di 15/20 giorni al mese.
  4. Nel caso di cistiti recidivanti , fare il trattamento di attacco e ripetere il trattamento al dosaggio di una perla ( 2 volte al giorno ) per 2 mesi e per almeno 3 volte all'anno.


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