Monday, November 8, 2010

Meaning Behind Rubber Bands On Someone's Wrist

Schopenhauer, the will and the art

Few thinkers manages to get in deep to make you wince, to give you the paradoxical impression of sharing with you experiences, thoughts and suffering as Arthur Schopenhauer. Forgive the presentation a little too intimate, but this is what I feel reading some of his works. I will try to share with you my impressions of these, intending this time to be able to go deeper reflection, hoping, as always, do not get bored. The script to which we refer is the third book of "The World as Will and Representation." This intervention will focus on the excellent introduction to the philosophy of Rinaldo schopenahueriana Manfredi (On which I took the liberty of making some minor modifications) in the next we will enter into the heart of the work instead discussing a particularly revealing form of art according to Schopenhauer: music.

Schopenhauer since adolescence had an extraordinary sensitivity to the painful side of life. His thought was to find a justification of this reality and the problems which it holds. The starting point for his reflection is the Kantian distinction between phenomenal reality and the thing in itself or noumenon. For Schopenhauer, Kant could not justify this distinction because the world is always subject to a subject. However, man can not be considered only as a pure knowledge: it is something far deeper. For there is in addition to the other categories with which to know the reality: the action and will. E 'in it that we feel we are not only subject knowledge, but also centers of activity, capable of suffering, and tend to want to want.

According to Schopenhauer, this will not only own man but is in all things. Will is in the crystal that forms in the falling stone, the flower that is born and animals. The will is the in-itself in the world, which presents itself as a principle on which irrational opens later knowledge. Will is a continuous stretch, bisogno sempre rinascente. Essa genera però nell'uomo il dolore, dato che soltanto noi, essendo dotati di ragione, possiamo renderci conto di essa e del circolo vizioso in cui stringe inesorabilmente la nostra esistenza. La felicità per Schopenhauer
[che abbiamo già preso in considerazione qualche tempo fa], non può che essere sfuggente e momentanea, consistendo in quel rapido senso di soddisfazione di un desiderio prima che possano nascerne in noi degli altri. Se la volontà non riprende la sua via nasce la noia. Nessuno potrebbe durare a lungo nella descrizione di uno stato soddisfatto e felice senza riuscire noioso. La vita oscilla fra il dolore e la noia. Di qui il senso di oppressione e di fatica che ci accompagna nella vita. E’ the only will that always torments herself. Existence is a shame that we all serve. If such is the nature of destiny of every living thing, you must find the way that leads to liberation. For this philosophy should never make the abstract precepts but always turn to reality.

serves no purpose to commit suicide. It may free the individual, but leaves intact the will, which also leads to this rather extreme gesture. Liberation can only be achieved when the will become aware of himself and his own destiny, no longer wants to be the will to live, or rather, wants to escape from his dominion restless. E 'namely asceticism, in cui il dolore universale ha parlato, che avviene il miracolo. Dunque la rinuncia, l’inazione, il nirvana è la suprema saggezza, che non solo redime l’individuo in cui si attua, ma l’intera volontà. L’ascesi è la più perfetta ma non la sola forma di liberazione: accanto ad essa abbiamo la giustizia e la compassione, nei quali si tende al superamento dell’egoismo, fonte di ogni dolore, e l’arte.

Questa è contemplazione dell’idea da parte di un soggetto che ha perduto ogni contatto col mondo. Non si tratta dunque tanto di superamento quanto di evasione, di oblio momentaneo del male. Nell'espressione così come nella contemplazione estetica dell'idea della bellezza the subject loses its individuality, it melts any link with the world. Although the ideas have the support of life, this no longer has any effect on him, because what he contemplates is not this or that manifestation of life, nor is he a particular individual in front of it. The artist captures the idea in the form confusing, but in clear intuition: this, like every other form of intuition, belongs to the intellect, but you get when it exceeds the needs of the will. Discursive reason as a faculty member just the domain of abstract concepts, reason, intuition based on empirical data gives the common experience and can more eminent science, and artistic intuition enters the world of essential reality.


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