Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sample Welcome Letter To New Church Members

Gaber Charles Bukowski, Sartre: freedom and responsibility

"Man, being condemned to be free carries the weight of the world on his shoulders : he is responsible for the world and of oneself as a way of being. Take the word "responsibility" in the banal sense of "consciousness of being the incontestable author of an event or object." In this sense, the liability of for-itself is very serious, because the one that you be, whatever situation he is in, the for-itself must take full situation with its coefficient of adversity, even if it were unsustainable [...].
E 'so foolish to think of regret because nothing foreign has decided what we feel, what we live or what we are. What happens to me, happens to my work and I could not grieve turning neither in nor resign. On the other hand everything that happens to me is my : with this we must understand that they are always up to what happens to me, as a man, because what happens to men for work of others and oneself that can not be human. There are inhuman situations, it is only out of fear, flight behavior and use of magic decide interment, but this decision is human and bear all the responsibility [...].
There are no accidents in life, a social event that breaks out suddenly and is not dragging me from the outside if they are mobilized in the war, this war is my . Having not taken away, I choice. There was no constraint because the constraint can not have any grip on freedom: I had no excuses because the quality of its human reality-is to be no excuses [...].
So, totally free, I must be no regrets nor remorse as they are without excuse, because from the moment of my birth being, carry the weight of the world alone with nothing nor anyone can lighten it. "

The two voices that I proposed last speaker of this year apparently are in opposition to each other, but in the end represent duplicate references to individual responsibility that we would do well never to forget. On the one hand, Gaber notes bitterly that freedom di pensiero e parola di cui godiamo oggi è inconsistente poiché è schiacciata dall'isolamento, dall'emarginazione, dalle barriere erette fra quegli stessi uomini che dovrebbero, sulla carta, costituire una comunità.
Dall'altro, Sartre ci richiama alla strutturale condizione di dover decidere nella nostra esistenza di noi stessi. Condizione ineludibile, in quanto anche il rifiuto di decisione o la volontà di sottrarci col suicidio sono sempre delle possibilità rese tali dal nostro essere-nel-mondo.
E allora, come uscire da questo vicolo cieco? Come rendere, quantomeno, più accettabile questo mondo dove la fanno da padrone disparità ed ingiustizie?
Ce lo ha già ricordato Gaber.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lord Of The Rings Stream

Hello, I'm back from the days stressantissime ultumi of these days! my little (4 years) students of ballet and modern dance was attended yesterday's event telethon along with my students and me the biggest and many other guests do not imagine the stress to organize everything! cmq ... to relax this morning I created this necklace in shades of burgundy these pearls are the same material breach of the pearls of the necklace of the previous post I like very much and I still use a lot, I find them suitable for winter what do you think??

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good Dancing Songs For A Talent Show 2010

Pasolini and politicians

The events (or rather the vicissitudes) policies of the past few days require a short reflection. We can not remain indifferent or helpless against the flood of balls that we are forced to endure daily. And I will not recreate here the usual lecture that while people can not make ends meet they think about their self-interest, shouting insults of any kind in the vulgar talk show (which we, sadistically, look dazed and addicted) to sell one the other after "deep reflections and ideological thinking of the good of the Italians." It 's too easy to make a speech like that now: we should do when they come asking for our votes, to promise you a job, future, etc. etc.. For me, but pity not to have a place in any of those guys would rather die of hunger. In any case, I leave you with a reflection of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the late thinker so mistreated and ignored by his country, now more than ever. Propostovi the song is from "Letters Lutheran", a collection of essays that Pasolini wrote in 1975, his last year of life.

"[...] The powerful Democrats in recent years have held power, they should leave, disappear, if not worse.
But not only remain in power, but speak. Now is their language that is the cornerstone of the scandal. In fact, every time they open their mouth, they, for insincerity, for guilt, fear, mischief, do nothing but lie. Their language is the language of lies. And because their culture is a rotten culture and academic lawyers, monstrously mixed with the technological culture, specifically their language is pure teratology. It can not be heard. We must plug his ears.
The first duty of intellectuals today would be to teach people not to listen to the language of monstrosity powerful Democrats, to shout, to their every word, of revulsion and condemnation. In other words, the duty of intellectuals would be to trim down all the lies that the press and especially television inundate and smother the rest of the body which is inert l'Italia.
Invece, quasi tutti gli intellettuali all'opposizione accettano sostanzialmente quello che accettano i potenti democristiani. Essi non sono affatto scandalizzati dalla mostruosità della lingua dei potenti democristiani".

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sorry Cards For Friends Dogs

burgundy purple is in fashion

because purple is the color year I made this necklace with pearls I do not know well covered in what appears velveteen "hairy" and chain of colored silk then I added a satin bow in the same color so that it can also shorten a pleasure that you say?? I do not wear purple, but I really like this ...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Difference Ebtween Ide Cable And Scsi Cable

Sartre and l'amour

Ahhh l' amour ! Fonte di gioie e dolori, in misura proporzionale alla nostra maggiore tendenza a gioire o soffrire... Tuttavia, anche nelle situazioni che mettono più a dura prova i nostri sentimenti, un rimedio, per quanto mi riguarda, c'è: rifletterci, pensarci su, cercare un senso a tutto ciò che ci succede. Per molti potrà essere una forma di masochismo, ma per me si tratta di una vera e propria decostruzione depotenziante di ciò che ci affligge e, perché no, il preludio ad una reazione-nuova azione (che non necessariamente può portare al meglio, ma questo è un altro discorso).

Al di là delle mie divagazioni, come avete capito stavolta affrontiamo l'amore interpretato nell'ottica ontologico-esistenziale di Jean-Paul Sartre. Il testo di riferimento è naturalmente Essere e nulla , pietra miliare della filosofia contemporanea. Una breve introduzione: dopo aver esaminato nelle sue principali dimensioni e manifestazioni l'uomo, unico protagonista della ricerca del famigerato essere, che potremmo grossolanamente definire come il senso della nostra esistenza e/o suo fondamento, Sartre esamina le dinamiche concrete con cui ci relazioniamo ai nostri simili . Ciò che accomuna tutti i nostri comportamenti, secondo Sartre, è la conflittualità, dato che non può trattarsi di "relazioni unilaterali con un oggetto in-sè, ma di rapporti reciproci e mobili. Mentre io tento di liberarmi dall'influenza d'altri, l'altro tenta di liberarsi dalla mia, mentre io tento di soggiogare l'altro, l'altro tenta di soggiogarmi".

La ragione di questa conflittualità connaturata a qualsiasi relazione è dovuta al fatto che "io sono posseduto dall'altro; lo sguardo d'altri forma il mio corpo nella sua nudità, lo fa nascere, lo vede come io non lo vedrò mai. L'altro possiede un segreto: il segreto di ciò che sono. Mi fa essere. L'altro è per me insieme ciò che mi ha rubato il mio essere e ciò che fa in modo che vi sia un essere che è il mio essere. Così rivendico l'essere che sono; voglio riprenderlo". Tuttavia, c'è un ostacolo insormontabile nella realizzazione di questo progetto: la libertà dell'altro e la conseguente impossibilità di assoggettarlo pienamente a me. Per cui, qualsiasi nostro progetto che implichi un altro, non può che basarsi sulla conflittualità, dato che ci pone in "legame diretto con la libertà d'altri. E' in questo senso che l'amore è conflitto. Il mio progetto di riprendere il mio essere non può realizzarsi se io non mi impadronisco di questa libertà e non la riduco a essere libertà sottomessa alla mia libertà".

"For the lover wants to be loved? If love was pure desire for physical possession, could be, in most cases, easily satisfied. Instead it is the freedom of others as such we want to take over. Who wants to to be loved not want to enslave the beloved. He does not want to have a robot. The lover wants a special kind of appropriation. He wants to have a freedom as freedom. The lover wants to be loved by a claim, however, that this freedom and liberty as freedom is no longer free. He wants the freedom of the will to determine it to be love, and together, that this freedom is imprisoned by him for wanting his imprisonment. E this prison must be both free and fettered waiver in our hands. For it, the lover does not claim to be the cause of this radical change of freedom, but the chance of being unique and privileged. In love, the lover wants to be worldwide for the beloved. "

"[...] If the other loves me, I become the 'unbeatable , which means that I must be the end absolute. The object that the other must be me, is a complete reference center around which are arranged as a pure means-everything tools in the world. If I am to be loved, are the subject in whom the world will exist for each other. Instead of being a this that stacca dallo sfondo del mondo, sono l'oggetto-sfondo dal quale il mondo si stacca. [...] Mentre, prima di essere amati, eravamo inquieti per questa protuberanza ingiustificata, ingiustificabile che era la nostra esistenza, mentre ci sentivamo "di troppo", ora sentiamo che questa esistenza è ripresa e voluta nei minimi particolari da una libertà assoluta che essa condiziona nello stesso tempo e che proprio noi vogliamo con la nostra libertà. E' questo il fondo della gioia d'amore, quando c'è: sentirci giustificati di esistere".

Tuttavia, anche questa sopraelevazione ontica e spirituale allo stesso tempo è distruttibile in quanto "le relazioni amorose sono un sistema di rimandi all'infinito sotto the perfect symbol of love value, that is a fusion of conscience in which each retains its otherness to justify another. "There is always a subtle nothing that separates the two lovers, even in moments of melting total that is given that it, too often proved elusive, miserable, empty as it inevitably material and finished (but will return to this point.) "Love is therefore a contradictory effort: the problem of my being-for -Other remains unsolved, the lovers remain every man for himself in a total subjectivity, does not lessen their contingency and saves them from the facticity. Moreover, their gain can be continuously compromised: at every moment, every conscience can be released from his chains and the other as suddenly contemplate object. Then the magic stops, the other half becomes among other means, the illusion, the game of mirrors that form the reality of love, suddenly ceases. "Amara as plain truth.

Halloween Saying On Invitations


Hello ... as cold down here do not talk!! there are 24 ° C and the people are the sea I created this bracelet I called to shove snow !!!!! is done in white agate and is elastic but of course is playable on any stone and color ... you like??

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Team Initiation Drinking Ideas

swap arrived ....

my mom I have received many packages and parcels these days ....... Swap jewels and then we start the autumn swap received from ladybugs ....

swap handle received from France (smells good) were more a beautiful elf (I love fairies and elves, as well as snowglobes) a keychain / scissors and lots of candy .. (I apologize for having "stolen" photos of her but I had made a pack with all the content of it is crap that picture! Once I get a little 'time will scatter another and you shall see ... )
Well, what about girls .... thanks You have been very generous ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Solid Black Sleeve Tattoo

with Murano

quick and easy ... I really like the glass is not seen well but it is all carved and trasperente ... supendi ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Happened With Wifelovers


queati are the earrings that I mounted to my cousin Gwendolyn are metal and I like a lot ... great for this fall ... , and perhaps even for the other seasons may be fine .. Meanwhile, I caught the flu so boring !!!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Muhammad Breastfeeding Woman

Among Monicelli Cioran

The first intervention of this month could only be inspired by the tragic loss of a great artist and intellectual Italian, Mario Monicelli. And we will do so using language that marked all his films: that of sincerity, frankness and veiled bitterness that each of us feels no just stop a moment to reflect on themselves and on our country. The need for such a memory is made even more pressing, especially for the way Monicelli chose to terminate its existence, has become, unfortunately, the subject of discussions becere of our politicians, who have managed to do even a mourning this tragic field of battle for their repulsive ideology. But now is not the case of debate on euthanasia: we want to take inspiration from the last gesture made by the master of Monicelli to reflect on something that is taboo for our civilization, or our structural move towards death, the close relationship between life and death and how the slightest thing is enough to turn a life forever.

The philosopher that I want you listen to this thought has made the cornerstone of his entire thought. This is Emil Cioran which have long focused on the meaning of this extreme as courageous gesture. But suicide can not and should not be viewed as the easy solution to all our ills, or as a pleasant destination to aim for, but as a cryptic note-limit to our already paradoxical existence as inescapably reminds us of our finitude, in our weakness, our powerlessness structural rather try to forget following projects, commitments, concerns and anxieties with which we in the busy everyday life. Let us then pause for a moment this time "full" and let us talk Cioran, dedicando questi pensieri al Maestro Mario Monicelli.

- Incontri col suicidio -

Esiste in noi, più che una volontà, una tentazione di morire. Se infatti ci fosse concesso di volere la morte, chi, alla prima contrarietà, non ne approfitterebbe? Un altro impedimento entra nel gioco: l'idea di uccidersi appare incredibilmente nuova a chi ne è posseduto; costui dunque si figura di eseguire un atto senza precedenti : questa illusione lo occupa e lo lusinga, e gli fa perdere del tempo prezioso.

Quando ci afferra l'idea di farla finita, uno spazio si stende davanti a noi, una vasta possibilità fuori dal tempo and eternity itself, opening up dizzy, hope to die beyond death.
Indeed, suicide is rivaling the death, show that you can do better than her, and play a dirty trick, not a small success, to rehabilitate his own eyes. We are reassured, it persuades you not to be the last one came, they deserve a little consideration. You think: so far, unable to take action, I had no estimate of me, and now everything changes: destroying, at the same time destroy all the reasons I had to despise, regain confidence, are always someone ...

waiting to die is subjected to it, have it expire at the rank of the process, resign themselves to a conclusion we do not know the date, method and scenario. It is well distant Act overall. There is nothing in common between the obsession of suicide and the feeling of death. [...] The death is not necessarily experienced as liberation; suicide freedom always has its peak, is paroxysm of salvation.
For decency, we should be the ones to choose when to disappear. E 'demeaning extinct as there is extinguished, it is intolerable to be exposed to an end on which we have no power, that light, we landed, I rushed nell'innominabile.
[...] The millennial conspiracy against suicide is the cause of amyotrophic footprint and in society. And 'our right learn at the right time to destroy , to hasten cheerfully to our spectrum. Until we we solved this, we deserve all of our humiliation. When it is out of his own reason for being, stubborn and hateful. But everywhere you look, you do not see that the indignities of bodily death.
Leopardi writes that after many years when we find someone they met in childhood, the first impression we get is that it has been hit by some great misfortune. Take is diminished: there is no loss of being. [...]

There is killed, as is commonly thought, in a fit of dementia, but access intolerable lucidity, in a paroxysm that if we can be likened to madness, it is true that a clairvoyant too, pushed to extremes and where you would like to get rid at all costs, beyond the bounds of reason. Nevertheless, the high point of Decision does not witness a clouded: the idiots do not kill practically anything, even if you can kill out of fear, or presentiment, of idiocy. The application then merges with the last leap of the spirit that takes itself before annihilating and gathers all his strength, all his faculties. On the threshold of defeat extreme test in itself is not entirely lost. It is lost in full-in flash master all its own.

quell'isoletta In the Mediterranean, long before dawn, on the path that led me toward the steeper the cliffs, I did some reflection on the porter on holiday: if that were my house I would paint the ocher, I would put a another fence, and so on. Despite my idea, I clung to trifles: contemplating the agaves, stroll, evading, with the occasional urgency of my intention. A dog started barking, then followed me and made me party. No one who has not tried it, can imagine the comfort that gives you an animal when it comes to keep you company, if the gods have turned their backs on you.

- Pensieri strangolati -

Perché non mi uccido? - Se conoscessi esattamente ciò che me lo impedisce, non avrei più domande da rivolgermi, avrei risposto a tutte.

Non abbiamo scrutato il fondo di una cosa, se non l'abbiamo considerata al lume dell'avvilimento.

"Niente merita d'essere preso a cuore" - si ripete colui che ce l'ha con se stesso ogni volta che soffre e che non perde l'occasione di soffrire.

Cercare un senso a qualcosa è non tanto da ingenuo quanto da masochista.

Bisognerebbe dirsi e ripetersi che tutto quanto ci allieta o affligge corrisponde a niente, che tutto è perfettamente derisorio e vano.
...Ebbene, ogni giorno me lo dico e me lo ripeto, eppure continuo ad allietarmi e ad affliggermi.