Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Muhammad Breastfeeding Woman

Among Monicelli Cioran

The first intervention of this month could only be inspired by the tragic loss of a great artist and intellectual Italian, Mario Monicelli. And we will do so using language that marked all his films: that of sincerity, frankness and veiled bitterness that each of us feels no just stop a moment to reflect on themselves and on our country. The need for such a memory is made even more pressing, especially for the way Monicelli chose to terminate its existence, has become, unfortunately, the subject of discussions becere of our politicians, who have managed to do even a mourning this tragic field of battle for their repulsive ideology. But now is not the case of debate on euthanasia: we want to take inspiration from the last gesture made by the master of Monicelli to reflect on something that is taboo for our civilization, or our structural move towards death, the close relationship between life and death and how the slightest thing is enough to turn a life forever.

The philosopher that I want you listen to this thought has made the cornerstone of his entire thought. This is Emil Cioran which have long focused on the meaning of this extreme as courageous gesture. But suicide can not and should not be viewed as the easy solution to all our ills, or as a pleasant destination to aim for, but as a cryptic note-limit to our already paradoxical existence as inescapably reminds us of our finitude, in our weakness, our powerlessness structural rather try to forget following projects, commitments, concerns and anxieties with which we in the busy everyday life. Let us then pause for a moment this time "full" and let us talk Cioran, dedicando questi pensieri al Maestro Mario Monicelli.

- Incontri col suicidio -

Esiste in noi, più che una volontà, una tentazione di morire. Se infatti ci fosse concesso di volere la morte, chi, alla prima contrarietà, non ne approfitterebbe? Un altro impedimento entra nel gioco: l'idea di uccidersi appare incredibilmente nuova a chi ne è posseduto; costui dunque si figura di eseguire un atto senza precedenti : questa illusione lo occupa e lo lusinga, e gli fa perdere del tempo prezioso.

Quando ci afferra l'idea di farla finita, uno spazio si stende davanti a noi, una vasta possibilità fuori dal tempo and eternity itself, opening up dizzy, hope to die beyond death.
Indeed, suicide is rivaling the death, show that you can do better than her, and play a dirty trick, not a small success, to rehabilitate his own eyes. We are reassured, it persuades you not to be the last one came, they deserve a little consideration. You think: so far, unable to take action, I had no estimate of me, and now everything changes: destroying, at the same time destroy all the reasons I had to despise, regain confidence, are always someone ...

waiting to die is subjected to it, have it expire at the rank of the process, resign themselves to a conclusion we do not know the date, method and scenario. It is well distant Act overall. There is nothing in common between the obsession of suicide and the feeling of death. [...] The death is not necessarily experienced as liberation; suicide freedom always has its peak, is paroxysm of salvation.
For decency, we should be the ones to choose when to disappear. E 'demeaning extinct as there is extinguished, it is intolerable to be exposed to an end on which we have no power, that light, we landed, I rushed nell'innominabile.
[...] The millennial conspiracy against suicide is the cause of amyotrophic footprint and in society. And 'our right learn at the right time to destroy , to hasten cheerfully to our spectrum. Until we we solved this, we deserve all of our humiliation. When it is out of his own reason for being, stubborn and hateful. But everywhere you look, you do not see that the indignities of bodily death.
Leopardi writes that after many years when we find someone they met in childhood, the first impression we get is that it has been hit by some great misfortune. Take is diminished: there is no loss of being. [...]

There is killed, as is commonly thought, in a fit of dementia, but access intolerable lucidity, in a paroxysm that if we can be likened to madness, it is true that a clairvoyant too, pushed to extremes and where you would like to get rid at all costs, beyond the bounds of reason. Nevertheless, the high point of Decision does not witness a clouded: the idiots do not kill practically anything, even if you can kill out of fear, or presentiment, of idiocy. The application then merges with the last leap of the spirit that takes itself before annihilating and gathers all his strength, all his faculties. On the threshold of defeat extreme test in itself is not entirely lost. It is lost in full-in flash master all its own.

quell'isoletta In the Mediterranean, long before dawn, on the path that led me toward the steeper the cliffs, I did some reflection on the porter on holiday: if that were my house I would paint the ocher, I would put a another fence, and so on. Despite my idea, I clung to trifles: contemplating the agaves, stroll, evading, with the occasional urgency of my intention. A dog started barking, then followed me and made me party. No one who has not tried it, can imagine the comfort that gives you an animal when it comes to keep you company, if the gods have turned their backs on you.

- Pensieri strangolati -

Perché non mi uccido? - Se conoscessi esattamente ciò che me lo impedisce, non avrei più domande da rivolgermi, avrei risposto a tutte.

Non abbiamo scrutato il fondo di una cosa, se non l'abbiamo considerata al lume dell'avvilimento.

"Niente merita d'essere preso a cuore" - si ripete colui che ce l'ha con se stesso ogni volta che soffre e che non perde l'occasione di soffrire.

Cercare un senso a qualcosa è non tanto da ingenuo quanto da masochista.

Bisognerebbe dirsi e ripetersi che tutto quanto ci allieta o affligge corrisponde a niente, che tutto è perfettamente derisorio e vano.
...Ebbene, ogni giorno me lo dico e me lo ripeto, eppure continuo ad allietarmi e ad affliggermi.


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