Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sample Welcome Letter To New Church Members

Gaber Charles Bukowski, Sartre: freedom and responsibility

"Man, being condemned to be free carries the weight of the world on his shoulders : he is responsible for the world and of oneself as a way of being. Take the word "responsibility" in the banal sense of "consciousness of being the incontestable author of an event or object." In this sense, the liability of for-itself is very serious, because the one that you be, whatever situation he is in, the for-itself must take full situation with its coefficient of adversity, even if it were unsustainable [...].
E 'so foolish to think of regret because nothing foreign has decided what we feel, what we live or what we are. What happens to me, happens to my work and I could not grieve turning neither in nor resign. On the other hand everything that happens to me is my : with this we must understand that they are always up to what happens to me, as a man, because what happens to men for work of others and oneself that can not be human. There are inhuman situations, it is only out of fear, flight behavior and use of magic decide interment, but this decision is human and bear all the responsibility [...].
There are no accidents in life, a social event that breaks out suddenly and is not dragging me from the outside if they are mobilized in the war, this war is my . Having not taken away, I choice. There was no constraint because the constraint can not have any grip on freedom: I had no excuses because the quality of its human reality-is to be no excuses [...].
So, totally free, I must be no regrets nor remorse as they are without excuse, because from the moment of my birth being, carry the weight of the world alone with nothing nor anyone can lighten it. "

The two voices that I proposed last speaker of this year apparently are in opposition to each other, but in the end represent duplicate references to individual responsibility that we would do well never to forget. On the one hand, Gaber notes bitterly that freedom di pensiero e parola di cui godiamo oggi è inconsistente poiché è schiacciata dall'isolamento, dall'emarginazione, dalle barriere erette fra quegli stessi uomini che dovrebbero, sulla carta, costituire una comunità.
Dall'altro, Sartre ci richiama alla strutturale condizione di dover decidere nella nostra esistenza di noi stessi. Condizione ineludibile, in quanto anche il rifiuto di decisione o la volontà di sottrarci col suicidio sono sempre delle possibilità rese tali dal nostro essere-nel-mondo.
E allora, come uscire da questo vicolo cieco? Come rendere, quantomeno, più accettabile questo mondo dove la fanno da padrone disparità ed ingiustizie?
Ce lo ha già ricordato Gaber.


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